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  1. Valenjam

    Shock...chlorine levels stay too high

    So I've noticed that when I shock my pool that the chlorine levels stay very high for days! I use 1 bag as directed and it took 4+ days with the filter running 24/7 to get to a 5. Even after the first 48 hours it was at a 15+. Oh and it's been full sun 90-100 degrees out. Why does this do this...
  2. Valenjam


    New member and new pool owner who is frustrated by the pool stores very poor guidance. Looking for a better education on how to do this right relatively easily and without going broke lol.
  3. Valenjam

    Floc in the sand filter

    So after a month or more of "teal" cloudy water I finally figured out that the new fancy fountain I installed was not circulating my water properly and causing many other issues, which resulted in me having to floc my pool. Im a newbie and the girl at the pool store wrote down directions which I...