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  1. kellydev

    Ichlor 30 SWG

    My SWG is reading “CELL” on the display. My husband cleaned it with an acid mix and this did not solve the problem. It says the salinity is @3900 ppm, but is not producing any chlorine. The unit has about 9300 hrs on it, am I looking at replacing? If so, does anyone have a recommendation on...
  2. kellydev

    Flakes and salt sitting on horizontal surfaces

    Hi there, i’ve been doing some of my own research and think that the problem I’m having with these flakes and salt accumulations on the horizontal surfaces has to do with too high of a pH and that I need to add borates to my water. However I’m having a hard time finding out how to test for...
  3. kellydev

    Help! Low chlorine after SWG installation

    Help! Our swg was installed about a month ago, the chlorine has been high this whole month, the PH is what we have been having to adjust almost daily. Today I did a full test with my TF-100. I don’t understand why my chlorine levels are suddenly so low when the swg is set at 100 and all lights...