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  1. M

    TA reading considering CYA levels

    Hi guys. Doing a restart with a fresh fill after a new pebble coat. Looking at my Wet Edge startup instructions and I’m seeing something I haven’t run into before. They’re saying to calculate TA, get your TA and CYA readings, divide cya by 3 then subtract from TA for (True TA) reading. For...
  2. M

    Fill and start after pebble resurface...

    Hi Guys. I’ve maintained my outdoor 13.5k pebble pool for a while now following TFP with zero issues. Love the methodology. Right now I’m getting into uncharted waters with a pool demo and resurface. Old coating failed and I’m putting in a “Wet Edge” finish. My questions are... after the...
  3. M

    iChlor30 production times- SWG

    I’ve been trying to figure out, with little to no insight from the manual, how the on and off cycle of the ichlor30 works. Or any SWG with a selectable output for that matter. Obviously the output percentage indicates how much of the run time the cell is actually on vs in standby mode, but how...
  4. M

    Chemical approach to determine pool size

    Hello all! Is there a way to determine pool volume by some kind of chemical addition at a known value and gauging the reaction in the pool itself? I should be somewhere between 13.5 and 15k I think, but I would really like to know for sure. Anyone have a proven method they could share?
  5. M

    To Slam or not to Slam...

    Hello Guys. Been a lurker here for a few months and learned A LOT. Did my first OCLT last night and ended up with a loss of 2ppm FC (8 hours total). Pool looks great, was suspecting a potential issue when I had to turn my SWG up past 95%, running pump for 19 hours with a break at night for...