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  1. AZAA

    winter pump schedule

    Here in Arizona I don't shut down my pool for the winter. I don't cover it, I keep up on the chemical balance and brush/skim when necessary. I get very little plant material on the surface since the vegetation is predominantly cactus so I keep the skimmer dialed back to about 25% of full speed...
  2. AZAA

    Pentair 400K BTU heater

    The heater was here when I bought the house so I don't know how old it is. Problem: When the pump starts in the morning the heater motor starts, runs for 20 seconds or so, then the burner ignites. So far so good. The burner shuts off after about 10 seconds, the fan runs it's "cool down" then...
  3. AZAA

    Light switch

    I removed this light switch from my electric panel to determine if it was the reason my pool light quit. It turned out not to be the problem, but why was this complicated switch installed in the first place? I took a picture of the wiring before I replaced it with a new one. Should I be able to...
  4. AZAA

    To my central Arizona friends...

    I've left my pool to a new pool guy for the summer while I'm "home" in Oregon. I've been gone 2 weeks. He tells me I have an algae problem (haven't had one in 4 years) and that he needs to add Pool Perfect Phosfree WEEKLY! Does this sound right in the Mesa area? I admit, I've never tested for...
  5. AZAA

    Dolphin Nautilus model question

    There are a confusing number of Dolphin models available. I think I've narrowed it down to the CC or CC Plus although they are very expensive. One question I have is the spec that it is for up to a 50' pool. Is that because the cord is 50' long? If the cord entered the pool at the halfway point...
  6. AZAA

    Skimmer efficiency

    I have an odd shaped pool with one skimmer (red arrow). Even with my pump at 3100rpm and Jandy valve set to all skimmer/no floor, I get no (or very little) surface movement towards the skimmer. Leaves and stuff tend to eddy out at the two areas circled in yellow (wind also has an effect on...
  7. AZAA


    Do most inground pools have an overflow of some kind (like to compensate for a heavy rain)? If so, is there a location where I would most likely find one? Thanks
  8. AZAA

    What is this filter called?

    I can’t get this filter to hold a prime so my pump won’t start. I know it needs a new O-ring but I don’t know the manufacturer or model # as it’s been painted over by a previous owner. All other equipment is Pentair. It is an inch or so larger than the Pentair pump O-ring. It would help my...
  9. AZAA

    Absentee pool owner

    I will be leaving my pool in the care of a friend for 5 months over the summer. He is experienced in the testing of Cl & pH. I use strictly liquid chlorine and have a stock of it and muriatic acid available to him. He will be able to check the pool once a week. The pool will be virtually unused...
  10. AZAA

    Pop up pressure vs side wall

    My pop ups don't seem to be pushing out enough water to do much good at sweeping. My VS pump runs at both 2500 and 1400 at various times of the day. I haven't noticed a difference in pop up pressure. Is there a downside to directing all the return to the pop ups and just bypassing the side wall...
  11. AZAA

    Pump replacement

    My pool has a secondary single-speed pump that runs our waterfall feature. It's loud and pumps way too much water. I'm afraid if I choke it down too much by partially closing the outlet valve that I will burn up the motor. Is it a fairly simple task to replace the motor with a V-speed one and...
  12. AZAA

    Pentair Mastertemp 400K

    I've bought a house with a Pentair pool heater. I've done research both in the manual (not real helpful!) and online. (Perhaps the answer is so obvious that it's not worth addressing! :rolleyes:). My question is, can I leave the heater "ON" overnight if the pump is not running? The manual seems...
  13. AZAA

    Pump to drain pool

    Any recommendations on a pump suitable for draining about 7000 gallons of water (half my pool) in 4 hours or less? I'll need to lift water from about 4' of pool depth. From there its level to my sewer drain about 100' total. I'll probably use this every year or two so it seems more economical to...
  14. AZAA

    chlorine discrepancy

    My daily chlorine/pH test kit shows chlorine right in the middle of correct levels. The Taylor TFTestKit tells me I have a FC level of 2 and a CC of 0 for a TC level of 2. Pool Math recommends I add 2 gallons of 10% chlorine. This just doesn't sound right. Am I doing something wrong?
  15. AZAA

    Back with a new pool!

    Hello. I'm back after a seasons hiatus. We sold our house with the 6,000 gallon Cocktail pool, took a few months looking, then bought a house with a 13,000 gal pool just a few blocks from our last one. Anyway, perusing around I see a lot of familiar "faces". New pool-new questions. I'm still...
  16. AZAA

    Pump restart

    I have read that the pump filter basket must be primed before restarting, but the added water just runs thru it as it does when the lid is first removed. I have a pressure relief valve atop my filter housing that I open when I restart the pump until it spits water. Does this valve eliminate...
  17. AZAA

    Pump maintaining prime?

    What are the symptoms of a pump not maintaining prime? Mine gurgles a lot when manually shut off. I usually open the relief valve on the filter housing to force out the air when manually turning the pump back on again. When it cycles on automatically it pumps a lot of bubbles into the pool.
  18. AZAA

    Questions about SWG %/runtime ratio

    I've been doing some reading of old posts regarding SWG output. I've discovered that pump speed doesn't affect output. OK, that leaves SWG % and run time. Pool Math tells me that my "24 hour SWG chlorine output" is .98 but what does that mean? The dropdown menu allows me to select the T-15 cell...
  19. AZAA

    Solar valve cycling on and off

    My pool solar valve is acting differently. It now shuts off at what seems like random times of the day when the water temperature isn't any where near the 90 degrees I have it set for. I can tell when it turns back on because I hear the pump speed up to Start speed for about 3 minutes as it...
  20. AZAA

    First day with SWG

    Me again ;). I've changed my Pool Math parameters to reflect my new SWG and output. I ran the whole battery of TF-100 tests and came up with a FC of 3. My CYA is 90. I know I need to get my FC way up and my CYA slightly down to match up with the Chlorine/CYA Chart. In Pool Math, with chlorinator...
  21. AZAA

    Simple pump question w/ Pro Logic?

    I'm adding CYA granules to my pool in preparation for the installation of a SWG. I have a Tri Star 900VS controlled by a Hayward Pro Logic unit. I would like to run the pump all night but don't really know how to make that happen. Is that function performed by the pumps control panel or thru the...
  22. AZAA

    TF-100 test kit

    A few months ago I purchased TF-100 test kit as recommended by TFP members. It comes with a T-1000 mini-kit for daily testing of TOTAL chlorine and pH. The laminated instruction sheet says this is the only test I need to perform daily. However all TFP chlorine recommendations are for FREE...
  23. AZAA

    Solar system question

    (I composed this post earlier but I can't find it, so sorry if this is a double post) I mentioned being very grateful for the help I've received here and look forward to the day when I can help others. Anyway...I have an 8 section (about 26' total) Solocol solar heater for my small 5850 gallon...
  24. AZAA

    Leaving for two weeks

    My pool will be unattended for almost 2 weeks. I took my last test today (pool temp 70) with the following results: FC 4.5 CC 0 pH 8.2 TA 120 CH 750 (! I know!) CYA 50 For a CSI of 1.01 After a couple of 1/4 drain & fills I got my CYA down to a reasonable number. My CH is still astronomically...
  25. AZAA

    Daytime use of pool blankets

    On a sunny day will a pool gain heat (or retain heat) better with a bubble-wrap style pool blanket on or off?
  26. AZAA

    CH way out of range

    I just performed a full chemical test using my new TF-100 kit. I had drained 1/4+ of my pool a couple of weeks ago attempting to lower my CYA. I drained an additional 1/4+ a couple of days ago. Today my CYA registered 45. Good. However my CH remains high at 850! I tested my pool-fill water and...
  27. AZAA

    Testing Questions...

    Moved from here.. Went through pool school - waste I have a very basic question on this whole subject. Free chlorine is usually the standard test referred to in most instructions; the target being 7.2 to 8. It appears to be determined only by the FAS-DPD test. Most test kits, including strips...
  28. AZAA

    Pump stall error

    I have a Hayward variable speed pump displaying a Pump Stall Error as described by others in an older post. One step they described was to check that the impellers were not blocked. How do I check to see if the impellers are blocked? I don't see anything that can manually be turned. Is there...
  29. AZAA

    FC/CYA balance

    We're snowbirds with a "pool boy" ;) watching over our pool once a week all summer while we're gone. I've decided to take over pool duties (5850 gal cocktail pool) for the winter partly due to the chlorine and cyanuric acid levels he's left me with. I have my own strip testers and a basic Taylor...
  30. AZAA

    Pool Math Premium issue

    I downloaded the Pool Math app to my iPhone and subsequently upgraded to Premium. I then downloaded the app to my PC. All the info I had entered into my phone was there, logs and all. So far so good. But when I wanted to add a new log (via the PC) I was informed that I needed Premium to do that...