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  1. M

    Plastic trim between tile and concrete coming off - what is a safe glue?

    I have a black plastic trim piece (sort of like a deflector?) that goes around the pool just above the water line between the tile and the concrete top edge. In one area it started coming loose, it looks like it was put into the concrete when it was made, but I'm wondering if I could glue it...
  2. M

    How full for inground pool is too high?

    Is there any problems with having an inground plaster pool too full with water, and how full is too full? I understand the skimmer won't work correctly, but I was curious whether it will damage the upper part of the concrete if it's overflowing, etc? Thanks!
  3. M

    First winter season for new pool owner

    Thanks all so far for your help, I made it through my first summer and had zero problems! I have a few questions going into winter (and I'm located in the Sacramento, CA valley, so our winters are very mild, usually only a few days a year that barely go below 30F.) From what I've read, I don't...
  4. M

    CYA dropped, Trichlor okay to bring it back up?

    My CYA started at 50/60, but over the past couple of months it seemed to have dropped to 40, and then today it tested at 20. I'm quite surprised as we haven't lost that much water out of the pool. Since I've been using liquid chlorine, is it okay to use some Trichlor that a previous owner...
  5. M

    Pool levels question

    Hi, can I get some opinions on my levels? They're currently: FC 4.5 pH 8.0 CH 525 TA 90 CYA 50 I need to get a thermometer, but I'm guessing the water temp. is around 65-70F? In that case, I think the CSI is around .52? It seems my CH is getting high and should I be concerned about the CSI? I...
  6. M

    First test results with TF-100 kit

    Hi all, I just got my TF-100 kit, and here are my results: pH 7.4 FC 2 CYA 50-55 TA 70-80 TC/CC It stayed clear - 0? CH 500 We had quite a bit of rain yesterday and the pool is now overfilled, I think I should drain it down to normal and then add chlorine? I'm still not sure on the size of...
  7. M

    New house with pool, lots of questions

    Hi, I just purchased a new home that has a built in pool and spa. I'm completely new to owning a pool and I hope to do the maintenance myself, but I think I need to learn a lot first. I tested the water with a basic pool test kit and it showed the pH to be about 8 I think and the chlorine...