Search results

  1. JoannaB

    Best pool cleaner for heavier debris?

    5 years after my last post about my circa 2011 Polaris 280, it's finally going belly up on us. We've replaced parts as they fail but at this point we can't figure out the problem. The cleaner floats around the pool barely touching the bottom, at only 24 rpm. Takes about 8-10 hours to...
  2. JoannaB

    Pool tech says I don't need skimmer float valves. But why?

    He was here to troubleshoot a leak (it was the heater) and while assessing the rest of the pool he removed the skimmer float valves, saying the pool would probably operate better without them. I guess I should have asked then, but I was so focused on the leak situation I didn't think to. Can...
  3. JoannaB

    Help! Chlorinator lid broke off!

    We had a few days of freezing temps here and even though I kept the pump running 24/7, the plastic lid to our Pentair 300 Chlorinator tower popped off and there's a chunk of plastic missing so it won't go back on. I only found out because i noticed the pool water level dropping. I've shut down...
  4. JoannaB

    'Dishing' around return jet (pics added!)

    I need advice! A month ago we noticed a symmetrical concave area around one of the return jets, about the size of a dinner plate, where it's sinking in slightly (1/2" or less). The concrete is not cracked but there is a white line around the perimeter where the dishing starts. Does anyone know...
  5. JoannaB

    Can I leave Polaris 280 in pool all winter?

    I don't 'close' my pool in the Northeastern US sense. I add a lot of bleach, turn off the heater and run the pump about 2 hours a day all winter. The lowest the pool water temp gets is about 45 degrees. My pool (despite an automatic cover) gets a lot of pine needles and worms during the winter...
  6. JoannaB

    pH keeps creeping up and can't keep chlorine level up

    FC: 0 CC: 0-1 PH: 7.6 (was 7.4 yesterday after dose of pH-down) TA: 80 CH 190 (maybe, sample turns pink and violet instead of red/blue--- so not sure i'm interpreting results correctly) CYA 33 I spent all of last summer draining and refilling to get the CYA below 100. I added 240 oz of bleach...
  7. JoannaB

    Rough coping cutting and scraping everyone (pic)

    I posted last week but now I have a photo to better illustrate the issue. Our deck and cantilevered pool edge is concrete. Water has worn it down to the aggregate and it is extremely rough. I got quotes on getting the whole patio and coping resurfaced: $7000-$8000. Way out of reach right now. Is...
  8. JoannaB

    Pool heater shut down, then restarted when pool filter turned off

    I feel like this must be some kind of electrical problem but the circuit breaker didn't trip. Fired up the heater (Pentair MasterTemp 300) this morning for the first time this season just like every season. No issues. Came home to 82 degree pool. Nice, but should have been 85. Checked the...
  9. JoannaB

    Black stain caused by worms?

    Uncovered our pool to vacuum yesterday, which I have to do several times during the winter due to all the worms and fir needles we get (even tho it's covered!) After cleaning up the usual big clump of worms in the bottom there was a large black spot about 8"x 5" irregular in shape, right where...
  10. JoannaB

    Least expensive solution to rough concrete pool deck

    The patio and coping around our pool are concrete. Poured in 2011. The coping has become quite rough from the water splash and aggregate is exposed. Anyone climbing out of the pool gets skinned knees. The patio area is all rough concrete, the texture of an old sidewalk or driveway. Is there...
  11. JoannaB

    First time 'winterizing' without pool store's kit

    Long time lurker, first time poster! I don’t close/drain my pool but I do winterize, as in I turn off the heater, add BioGuard Arctic Blue Winter shock and algaecide kit, Close the cover, and run the pump for about 3 hours a day (24/7 during a freeze--which is infrequent). Everything was fine...