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  1. D

    Do I need to have the cover off, when adding a gallon Chl.

    Ok, I read that you should keep the solar cover off when shocking. I have had my pool between 3-5ppm for FC. I had the cover off all day yesterday, and we swam twice. I was lazy and didn't test last night, and this morning it was at 1. I was at pool shop, buying a hose, and they tested and said...
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    Question about high alkalinity

    Ok, so when we got our pool installed, the Alkalinity was 227, according to the pool shop. PH was 7.73. Well, I did not get around to dumping any Muriatic acid in, since I did not have a way to aerate the pool to get the PH back up. For over two weeks now, the PH has been between 7.2 and 7.5...
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    What is needed for running electrical for the pool pump.

    I have a friend, who is an electrician. We went out and purchased everything we need for running two lines out to my pool. We need to run across my basement, out the basement cinder-block (walk out basement), and about 8 feet underground to the post for the pump. My question is, he had me buy 3...
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    Need help/advice. Major problems with new pool install.

    Ok, I have had NOTHING but bad luck, pertaining to getting a pool this year. If I had to do it all over, I think I may have never purchased one. From the excavator almost making the retaining wall too tight, to him almost installing the drainage to tight, to now the drainage is not even working...
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    Little ants going under bottom rail.

    So, in 4 days time, I have ants digging under the bottom rail of the new pool install. It is just those really little ants, but it looks like they moved a little bit of the sand from under the liner, to the outside of the pool wall. Any suggestions on how to keep the away from the pool? You...
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    How full is too full to the skimmer?

    I think the water trucks may have put in a little too much water. Plus a little rain the last few days. Supposed to have chance of rain the next two days too. The water level is one inch from the top of the skimmer. Well past the 2nd and 3rd screws. No chance to splash any out, lol, since the...
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    Pool installed, just got water tested at pool shop.

    Ok, so pool was installed on Thursday. On Friday, I added one lbs shock, and diluted 1lbs CYA. The CYA took to long, so I have the other 2 lbs in a sock, over the edge. Here are my numbers: FC - 1.5 CC or TC - 2.0 pH - 7.73 TA - 227 CH - 250 CYA - 8 It is now Sunday at 5pm. I plan to add the...
  8. D

    The correct PSI on new pump

    Am I missing the link in pool school or somewhere? I can't find what good PSI would be for the pool pump. I have a 2hp, 2speed Hayward pump. 24ft AGP. (Yes, I already know, it is oversized.) Filter is cartridge, size 150. (I will make my sig soon, sorry) When running on low, it is 4psi. When I...
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    How to get ALL the air from the pump

    Got my new pool going. 24ft AGP. The pump has a clear lid for the strainer basket area. It is below water lvl. So when I take the pump lid off, it fills and overflows with water. Once I have the lid on, it is filled with water, besides the very top. The area where the clear, rounded lid it. When...
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    TA is about 200, and need some help with a brand new install

    Ok, got the pool installed yesterday. I put a 1 lbs bag of shock that said it was for up to 16,000 gallons. I have a 24ft, 54" pool. About 14,000. All I got are the darn test strips and a cheapo OTO and phenol drop test kit for Cl and pH. (Ordering the Taylor kit) Well, A couple hrs after the...
  11. D

    How close does ground need to be even on the OUTSIDE of AGP?

    Sigh, never, EVER have people do work while you're not home! Well, I had a retaining wall installed, and wanted a 2ft "gap" around the whole thing. The excavator put drain pipes in, and then ran them around and out to the ditch. Well, he went WAY to close. I told him repeatedly to make sure to...
  12. D

    Anyone know their electrical? Help, with pump plug

    Ok, my pool is to be installed this weekend. My electrician is trying to get the info he needs. The pool shop said to simply use a twist lock plug. 110, 20 amp. My electrician said those are only rated for 1hp motors. My motor is a 2hp hayward. He said anything over a 1hp should be on a 30 amp...
  13. D

    Can you use a check valve at the inlet?

    I see some people that use a union, and a ball valve at the skimmer and the inlet, to make it easier to winterize. Instead of a ball valve, could I use a check valve at the inlet? This would help prevent the water from coming back if there was a leak somewhere in the lines, yes? Or is this a bad...
  14. D

    To those with Solar Bear panels 4x20. Need help real quick

    Ok, I wanted to order one or two of the solar bear panels 4x20. There seems to be two kinds. One with 1 1/2" connecters, and one with 2" connecters. Now, I find it hard to believe that Fafco makes two models of this panel with different size piping on the ends of the small tubes. So I am...
  15. D

    Possible problem with install? soft ground.

    Ok, so my excavator is more than half way done with digging. Tomorrow, he will be adjusting the edge, then digging and cementing posts for a retaining wall. Anyways, he said I have a "clay vein" I think he called it, running across the pool area. It is pretty soft. Obviously, from the pic, you...
  16. D

    (FRAUD/credit card stolen) Does 2" piping make......

    Ok, So the pool should be installed next thursday. I know the hoses that come with the pool is 1 1/2". Will it really make any difference, if I convert to 2", if I have to downsize into each device? (pump, filter, chlorinator, solar panel) Will I see enough flow improvement for it to be worth...
  17. D

    Why such price difference with Solar Panels? and what else??

    My pool will be here in a little over a week. I want to purchase a 4x20 Solar Bear panel. I have been looking online. Why is there such a big price difference from stores? Am I missing something, like are these the same items? This is an example, but many shops have HUGE price differences. I...
  18. D

    Fafco panels and hose size

    What size do most people use for their solar panels and AGP. 1 1/2 or 2"?
  19. D

    How close can you put a french drain to an AGP?

    If I install some kind of drainage around the pool, how close is safe? Would I dig a small trench around the pool, or just lay some piping around the pool, before I even backfill, after the installation?
  20. D

    21ft or 24ft?

    Ok, just thinking out-loud, so to speak. My back yard is tight. We got a septic system on one side, the house on the other, and a line of pines on the East side. If I follow the rules for distance from my property line and septic system (10ft from property line and 10ft from septic), I can...
  21. D

    Still a little confused about electrical work

    Ok, I understand what I need to have done, concerning a dedicated line for the pool pump, and wanting an additional line for future use, lights, radio, etc... I am a little confused about bonding. I tried to read up on it, and I see that a copper wire needs to be bolted from the pump to the...
  22. D

    Buying AGP package, but comes with a Nature 2 Sanitizer

    Buying a 24ft AGP. Ok, I have been reading up on the Nature 2, and it seems like most people hate this system. I think it also comes with a chlorine canister, that is inline, instead of using a floater (Has a valve to control amount of chlorine that is released. I know most will say to use...
  23. D

    Retaining wall and distance from pool

    Ok, the excavator is coming in a day or two, to finalize how he will dig, and quote me for a retaining wall. (If it is too much, I am going to build it myself) The pool will be set "into" the hill. Ground level on one side, and about 4 ft into the hill on the other side. The retaining wall will...
  24. D

    Help with electrical

    About to call a couple electricians, for quotes. All I need is for a line to be run from my panel, across my basement, then an outlet installed on the outside. (Ranch house, with walk out basement) I don't plan to have the line run underground, or away from the house. The pool will be 5ft from...
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    Worried about the installer and also the skimmer

    Both pool shops in my area, that sell and install pools seem to only have ONE guy that comes out to install the pool. I talked to an excavator (not related to the companies) and he said he never saw more than two guys do one, and usually only one person did it. All the vids I have watched, shows...
  26. D

    foam coves and gorilla pad

    I am still trying to figure out everything, before we have a pool installed. I want the foam cove, and the gorilla pad seems good. I would like to know that no rocks will work themselves up, and that there would be less chance to have deformities in the bottom (like foot impressions) So, how...
  27. D

    Need advice on solar panels to heat AGP

    Ok, I just put a deposit on a 24ft pool, woohoo! Excavation needs to come out and give me an estimate on a retaining wall and make sure we can fit the 24ft, or we may need to go to 21. Anyways, My one shop has a sale tomorrow, 20%. I would like to buy a solar panel. One shop has an Earth's...
  28. D

    Installation of AGP, do they Tamp?

    When having a pool installed, did your installer tamp the ground? One shops said they do, and one shop said they don't. I would think it would be a good idea to do so, but wanted people's opinions. (Tamping: packing down the dirt, before installing the pool.)
  29. D

    To all those who have partial or mostly buried AGP.

    Yes, we are VERY late in our planning, since it is mid-April, but we want to put in a pool for this summer. We have a ranch style house, but a walkout basement, so you can get an idea of the slope we have. I would guess we need to go about 3 ft into the high side. So only one side would be...