Search results

  1. L

    Sad...may not be able to do pool this year.

    I have had two intex pools for a total of 5 years. I love setting up and taking care of my little pool for 2 or 3 months every summer. My next door neighbors, who also had an intex of their own, moved this winter and their house sold fast. New neighbors have little ones, a 3 year old and two...
  2. L

    What's a decent vacuum for smaller pump?

    Hi, I have always used the water hose vacuum "splasher vac" but am ready to get something that doesn't add more water to the pool. I have a 1000/gph Intex pump. What vacuum can I get? I've read mixed reviews on both the intex vacuum for smaller pools and the skooba small pool vac. Thanks...
  3. L

    How to connect two intex pumps to use at the same time?

    Hi, I have a 12x36 intex frame pool. For the first year, I used the pump that came with the pool. Not sure exactly but I believe it was less than 1000 gal/hr. Not as good as I wanted but I tested and adjusted my water daily and never had water issues. After that a friend who had a bigger...
  4. L

    Yet another paver question...advice, please!

    Hi, I am a five-year intex owner and really wanting to do it right this year. I have my ground level, pavers buried. My question is after layering tarp, foam board, then another tarp, what is the best way to keep track of where the pavers are so that when I set up the pool the legs are at the...
  5. L

    Our little pool...

    These pictures are from last year, but we just got the pool up and running for the season yesterday. I was lucky enough to find this forum 3 years ago when we got this pool, and have done BBB ever since, without ever a water issue (even with the Intex little pump.)
  6. L

    Question about using foam insulation under liner

    Hi! I have put up my Intex 12' X 36" pool for the past three years on the leveled ground with a layer of sand, a tarp, then the pool. Although I haven't had anything rip through, I found several rocky soil places that bothered me last year and had me worried all summer. This year I am...
  7. L

    Algae in top seams of intex frame pool

    Hi, I've never had trouble keeping my water clear in my intex frame pool thanks to finding this website before I set my pool up 3 years ago, but at the top of the liner, (where the top pieces of the frame fit through), water collects and algae always forms in the seams. I can scrub the visible...
  8. L

    Can potted annuals survive splashed pool water?

    Hi, I have some extra petunias left over from planting my flower beds this year. I wanted to use them in planters around our intex frame set pool...Will the pool water kill them? (Lots of kids, splashing in this pool!) Thanks
  9. L

    Ideas for making steps/platform for intex pool?

    Hi, This is my 4th year as an intex frame pool owner. I bought it partly to use for my son's therapy. (My son has autism and cerebral palsy.) Now that he is bigger, it is tough for me to lift him in and out of the pool, and he is not yet physically capable of using the ladder. Last year my...