Search results

  1. swimu

    What Chemicals Should You Use To Clean Your Hot Tub With?

    I have told customers of mine to use a couple of different household cleaners to clean their hot tub with when they drain it. I have told customers to use windex, 409 and any kitchen surface cleaner. Lysol makes a good anti-bacterial kitchen cleanser. I always made sure to tell them to rinse it...
  2. swimu

    Need Help Creating A Swimming Pool Data Sheet

    I am in the process of creating a one-page sheet that a customer can print out to write down all the things they need to know about their pool and spa. I want to make one for an above ground pool and an inground pool. All residential. This sheet can help homeowners to keep track of the equipment...
  3. swimu

    The Golden Child

    I would just like to introduce myself to the forum. I actually joined yesterday, but didn't see the introducing thread until today. My name is Matt Giovanisci and I'm from Williamstown, NJ. I have been working in the pool and spa industry since I was 13 years old... I started as a young lad at...
  4. swimu

    Getting Rid of Algae Overnight

    Floc it! No, it's not some teenage slang term, it's a chemical that takes any floating particle in your pool water and settles it to the bottom. Flocculant is the full term and it's save my pool parties a billion times. If your pool is green and you're having people over soon (even tomorrow) to...