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  1. M

    blue telescoping pole broke

    I have a blue telescoping pole for connection to brushes and it will not twist open to telescope. I have even gently used a pipe wrench to twist it and it will not budge. Any thoughts?
  2. M

    What do you do before a freeze

    I live in Houston, TX and was wondering what I should do before a freeze. Do you just keep the pump running 24/7?
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    Cloudy pool after swim party

    My chemistry is checked daily and the water is crystal clear prior to a party. I have an in floor cleaning system which appears to be working quite well. After a party for 15 little girl scouts (age 11) the pool is cloudy. Is this just dust that the cleaner is not getting? Any thoughts?
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    Why am I having to add acid

    I have a 17000 gal pool with spill over spa, ozonator, jug dumping, 50ppm of borate. The pool looks great, perfectly clear but my pH keeps drifting to 7.8. I have some iron staining so am trying to keep pH a little closer to 7.5. I am having to add about a quart of acid every week to get the...
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    Are pine needles affecting my pH

    I am getting a tremendous amount of pine needles in the pool. I scoop alot out but still have a bunch in the skimmer. Could this increase pH? Any other problems? Are pine needles bad for the landscaping
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    why is my pH rising

    My pH seems to want to be around 7.8. I do not have SWG. Just doing the BBB. todays result FC 4, CC 0, pH 7.8 TA 150, CH 360, CYA 70. I added 1 gal of chlorine and 1q 2cups of MA. I added a similar amount of MA last week. Chlorine use is about 3q a day. I do have a nice waterfall that...
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    tab chlorinator not working

    I have recently switched to BBB method but 3 weeks ago the feeder was half full. I turned it all the way up and expected all of the tabs to dissolve. I checked it today and I see no appreciable change. Any ideas?
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    Oklahoma flagstone

    Is OK flagstone hard enough to use with Salt systems in Houston TX? How about AZ flagstone?
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    liquidator versus SWG

    I just built a beautiful pool with an ozonator and puck chlorine feeder. For the last couple of monthe I've had 2 algae blooms. I have switched to BBB now but was considering Liquidator or a SWG any comments?
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    chlorine usage

    I live in Houston where it is hot and sunny. I'm using about 2 qts of 10% bleach per day. The water is beautiful. This usage is pretty consistent because yesterday I was out of town for a day and calculated the amount to last 2 days. This morning when I got home the FC was 3 (below my min of...
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    pool light lens covers

    My pool builder gave me some Hayward lens covers for the pools lights but they don't fit. The lights don't have a name on them. Does anyone use lens covers for there lights?
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    Stains versus Mustard

    My pool is crystal clear and the overnight FC does not change. All drop test are normal except CH is 360 In the deep end I see a couple of spots that are brownish/yellow. These spots do not change when I brush them with a wire brush and do not appear to be growing or changing. How do I...
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    Paramount PCC 2000

    My in-floor pool cleaner has a main drain and 90 degrees out from that has two pop ups that shoot water back towards the main drain. I also have a VS pump. I have noticed that these two pop ups pop up all the time while the pool is filtering not just when the cleaner is working (which is when...
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    Anybody use there Iphone to control the intelliflo

    I have an intelliflo with easy touch panel. There is an app for the iphone but I have'nt tried it yet. Anybody use the iPhone for control?
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    Pump run

    I have been running my pool pump for 10 hours a day and currently have crystal clear water. I am running at 3000 rpm, which currently gives me 1.9 turnovers/day. I am thinking of running at 1500 rpm for 16 hours which would be 1.4 turnovers/day. Does this sound reasonable? What do I watch for?
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    tab chlorinator

    The tabs in my chlorinator don't seem to be dissolving. How do I tell if it is working?
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    Paramount in floor cleaning system

    I have two areas in my pool near the deep end where gravel and sand collect. No problem with leaves, Is it unrealistic to believe that the in floor cleaner should get most everything?
  18. M

    Fairly new pool owner looking for the easy way

    New home with pool for about 6 weeks. 17000 gal with spa, ozonator with puck feeder. After about a month I thought I had it figured out, the pool was crystal clear, FC was running 2-3 and Boom I got green walls. I had been lurking about on this site but hadn't bought in yet. So now I check...