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  1. F

    Need Help - Frequency of Cleaning DE Filter

    My question somewhat revolves around the slam process and cleaning of the DE filter but first the backstory I’ve had the pool for over 10 years and only last year after realizing that we were having a lot of DE being blown back into the pool and the pressure not greatly increasing in the filter...
  2. F

    Need some help (famous last

    Pool 32000 gallons, gunnite Live in NJ FC 5.8 TC 6.9 CC 1.15 PH 8 Harness 173 Alk 60 CA 82 I know that lowering ph will affect alk. So suggestions???
  3. F

    A whole lot of problems; need advice

    So let me start this story by saying that three different pool companies have visited my house to in various forms to perform a pool opening. First contractor simply removed the cover and left and never returned. Pump was left off and water was as green as I've never seen it. I wasn't home when...