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  1. M

    What to do when traveling

    The pool has been great for the past couple of weeks FC 5 CC 0.5 ph 7.6 TA 120 CYA 40 My question is how to maintain when we are away. We travel for work 3-5 days a week we are gone and I have no one to test and sanitize the water. During these times is it best to use the solid chlorine pucks...
  2. M


    Yesterday I started the SLAM process, please take a minute to read below because I'm not sure how to proceed. The pictures attached is of my pool yesterday and then again today. Pool math can't predict how quickly organics consume the chlorine you are adding, so its not unusual for it to take...
  3. M

    New to TFP first time SLAM feeling not knowing what I am doing

    Opened pool this week and have started SLAM today for the first time and my numbers are all over the map so I don't know what I am doing wrong. Also according to the pool calculator and PoolMath it says my target FC is 14 and I have no idea how to get to that number based upon the calculations...
  4. M

    New to TFP pool just opened for season

    We ave just opened our pool 2 days ago and I need some advice. This is my first year using the TFP method, we are switching from using Synergy products for the past several years and having lots of difficulty with chlorine levels remaining consistent. Right now the water is a bit cloudy. Here...