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  1. P

    Pump not priming/strainer basket not filling

    Opening pool after 2 yrs. Company comes and opens. They did but then we had to switch off pump because of massive amount of leaves. We finally cleaned the leaves. But now water is green. I know the DE filter needs back washing but the pump won't prime. So I am stuck. I have never opened the...
  2. P

    Why did my water level drop?

    This is my first pool opening as newbie owner. I didn't open myself ( but I doing my own pool water mgmt thanks to TFF, still learning), hired pool company to remove cover, reconnect pumps etc. But the guy who closed last season was the same who opened and the first thing he said was the water...
  3. P

    I think I am almost there!!

    Background: 1. New homeowner. Pool was neglected for a month as we couldnt move in immediately. Pool was taken good care of by previous owner. 2. It turned into a green pool. Immediately contacted "pool company". They came every week and did their stuff but we were still not living in the new...
  4. P

    Test kit first usage

    I received my test kit yesterday. I have read pool school and the test kit instructions. My problem is for chlorine testing it says to use " Chlorine only" graduated vial. I dont see one! There IS a graduated thing but not labeled "Chlorine only". Am I missing something?
  5. P

    Vaccumed Pool, now filter gauge reads 2, sluggish backwash

    I could really use some help here. Usually only I take care of the pool, BUT, I showed my husband and 13 year old son how to correctly vacuum the other night, and then yesterday I went to backwash and noticed the pump basket was loaded with leaves and debris, and now the pressure gauge on the...