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  1. P

    Can an old pool filter cause poor water flow?

    Since opening the pool this year ive noticed lower suction when vacuuming and my pump isnt fullt priming. I just got the pump installed last year and ive gone though trouble shooting and i couldnt find any leaks. I tried running the pool without the filter and that seemed to be the only way to...
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    Test kit

    I want to get a test kit but I do not which one to invest in. On the site the kaylor 2006 and tf 100 have been recommended, but neighbors are telling me that the Lamotte colorq pro 7 test kit 2056 is alot better. Any advice on the value and quality of a couple different quality test kits?
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    Cant find light switch

    I have a light in my pool, but no switch. My only assumption is that is that when I turn the pool filtering on it should start and it's burned out at the moment. Could that be the case? There's only 1 switch near the pool and the homes about a 100 ft away so it cant be inside.
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    Lower cya

    My cya is at 150 ppm what percentage should I drain to lower the Cya.
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    Pool psi

    The psi in my pool is always around 40-45 until I clean my cartridge filter then it drops to about 30 psi. I have to clean my filter every 2 days after doing so the water pumps out of the jets and into the skimmer at a much stronger rate. Any reason why it keeps raising so often? Thanks for the...
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    Fc to cya

    The Cya in my pool is at 150 it's gone up substantially from 75-100 in a couple of days (Ive heard the chlorine tablets can do that). Anyway should I raise the fc in the water? Cdc recommends 1-3ppm and at least 2 if the Cya is high? Right now fc is at 5ppm. Thanks for the help in advance.
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    Orange rings on bottom of pool.

    Clumps of orange rings are forming on the bottom of my pool, they won't brush off and they won't vacuum off. I had a mustard algea problem that's showing signs of coming back. The amount of the orange rings is increasing too. Anyone have an idea of what they are and how I remove them? They're...
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    Pool pump

    I recently moved into a home with a pool that seemed to maintained ok. I cleaned the cartridge filter and it looked like it hasn't been cleaned before. I am trying clean what I believe to be what is called a pool pump. It's part of the filtration system (it's supposed to catch large items such...
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    I was recommended to put a yellowout like product (sodium beroxide) in my pool to get rid of mustard algae by my pool store. They told me not to put chlorine along with it because I already had a high amount in my pool.Should I add more or is it fine? Also will the algae be permanently gone or...