Search results

  1. R

    Weird white powder in spa

    Hi all! Long time since I've posted, because I haven't really had any major issues. However, the last six months or so I've had this weird powder build up in my spa that spills over into my pool. It build up quickly - in a week I can get a pile 2-3 inches deep, by 12 by 12 inches - only in the...
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    Our Pool - finally posting photos (I hope)

    House end of pool looking toward waterfall. We end up painting the wall to right of rock same medium brown as in Ramada area. The "bases" of the wood poles" were also painted same brown. [attachment=2:16wwskh5]pool 1.jpg[/attachment:16wwskh5] Can Kinda see the TV above the fireplace in this...
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    Who to trust - pool store readings or Taylor Kit? CYA? FC?

    I'm pretty anal about testing, but ran out of the chemical to do the CYA test.....Tough test anyway, so took a sample to local pool store. They matched my salt water and pH dead on the same (7.5 and 3200). My worries - I tested my FC as 5.5 - they said 3!!! MY TA is 100, and CH is 180. CYA...
  4. R

    PB pressuring me to pay - how is "pool completion" defined?

    Long story that i'll try to make short.... We have a large pool, per my signature line below. The pool and assorted elements (spa, waterfall, ramada) are all "built" but certainly not totally functional to my satisfaction. Minor and major issues: 1. Minor issue: He has agreed to do more...
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    First Time Test numbers - some questions

    As my new signature line shows, our pool is finally DONE!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... My first post here was Jan 16, 2010, and I was reading and planning for a few years before that, and saving money even longer. Yes, after 14 years of unbearable summers, we finally can survive these...
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    What is a sequestrant?

    Split into a new topic. If you hate to hijack then don't. JasonLion Ok...hate to hijack the thread, but what is a sequestrant? Can't find it defined in the pool school area (abbreviations and definitions area) , common chemicals, etc. Even the "start up" procedures for a plaster pool recommend...
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    SWG? & pebblesheen - plaster or fiberglass? Plaster, right?

    Ok - i'm sure this is a stupid question, but I can't quite figure it out. Getting ready to open my new pool in about a week, and studying up on chemicals, testing, etc. Bought the big fancy test kit, but haven't tested my water yet. PB said we won't turn on the SWG for several weeks (6?) after...
  8. R

    Anyone use Aqua Decal's? Ok, not ok? LOVE the idea of a massive shark mosaic to be placed in our new pool we hope to complete this Spring/summer. See "Shark in your face" at: But wowser, these mosaic's, especially the big ones, are pricey! An option is to do the aqua...
  9. R

    Pebblesheen vs. Quartzscape vs. Stonescape

    Getting close to finalizing our pool build and signing a contract hopefully in next week or two. In a two hour review today with our likely PB of choice, on a Saturday when he had a sick 5 year old son at home (kudo's to this guy), we asked what potential options for saving some $$$ on our (we...
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    Savi LED vs. Intellibrite?

    My PB is recommending Savi LED - easier to install, and he says just as good as Intellibrite. Did a search, and struggling to see any posts comparing them. Anyone have thoughts here? We are planning a large pool in the 40x20 foot range, with a 10 foot deep end. Probably two total LED lights...
  11. R

    Water line tile considerations....thoughts?

    So, we are trying to figure out the main three "color elements" of a major pool construct...interior color, waterline tile color, and decking color. I am not color blind but might as well be... I think we are doing Aqua Blue Pebblesheen, and some kind of basic lace acrylic deck - medium brown...
  12. R

    Leaf catcher needed? In AZ? vs two skimmers?

    Just got the final of 3 quotes on our pool build, and trying hard to compare them side by side. Some highly recommend a leaf catcher; others think they are a waste of $. In AZ, we get some winds of course, but mostly dust. High block walls around yards. BUT, we do have a couple of young, short...
  13. R

    Spinning Umbrella in the wind....

    We are prepping to build our pool, and getting advice from a friend. We are putting in some umbrella sleeves around the pool and in the baja steps. Per our friend, when the wind comes up, her umbrella's get spinning and it bugs her a lot. I would agree, but how do you stop it from spinning...
  14. R

    "General" (?) guidelines for pipe sizes?

    I asked one PB some questions about the type and size of piping they are using for our potential pool build - a ~35,000 gallon, 20x40 foot pool with spa, grotto/waterfall, deep end, and in-floor popup's. Q: Any use of “flexible” pipe? A: no Q: What size pipe do you use standardly...
  15. R

    Techni-Clean Systems - in-floor pop-ups - simple, good?

    Went to a home and garden show today and went to the booth of a smaller company we are considering for our pool build. They had sample of some of their wares, including a bucket of various horrid pop-up's with springs and such. They pitch a kind of pop up I've never seen before. Very basic 3...
  16. R

    Favorite (or least favorite) Pebble Tech/Sheen colors?

    We (DW and me) are debating what color tile, decking, and pebblesheen to go with. I typically defer to her on color choices, but it's so tough to tell what colors will work best for the interior of the pool. We've visited a few pool builders to look at the different colors under water, but the...
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    Why do all in-ground Spa's have near vertical sides?

    Curious about this...maybe i've just not seen any other type, but it seems like all these built-in spa's that are built with an in-ground pool have vertical or near vertical walls. I know you can add extra jets and such which is nice and I plan to do so, but why can't the sides be angled a bit...
  18. R

    Feedback needed - Arizona Pool

    Hi all - below is a draft concept of the pool we want built this spring here in Goodyear AZ. It is about 40x20 foot, 30k gallons. At the bottom of the design photo you can see the edge of a pool fence (white rails on bottom edge) and a post that is a support post for a covered patio. Our...
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    "Plexiglass" or clear pool fence - anyone done this?

    Hi all - getting close to moving fwd with our pool build this spring, and the concept of a pool fence has been bugging me since we started looking at pool designs a few years (!) ago... I want to see the pool...and not through a fence, but yet a fence is required. Why not use plexiglass or some...
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    Telescoping Fountain - prone to breakage????

    Hi all - one of the builders we are considering is encouraging us to consider adding two retractable fountains. These are basically plastic (?) tubes that extend with water pressure to surface level (or above) and spray water. The builder noted in the bid that they are from paramount, probably...
  21. R

    Arizona Pool Builders - Recommendations?

    Hi all - we are finally ready to move fwd, after about 3 years of saving $$$$, to build our pool. We plan on a larger pool, with waterfall/grotto, spa, and sunken bar. Pretty fancy but we've lived in AZ 15 years and it's about time we did this, and did it right! A year ago, we thought we were...
  22. R

    Pool Cover make the water "too hot" in Phoenix Summer?

    Hi all. Quick question as my wife and I finally have enough dough to get our pool built before summer! EXCITED! but also a bit overwhelmed. Key issue is the advantage of having a pool cover, electric or not. I'm thinking of the electric type with an in-ground reel. Home and Garden Show coming...
  23. R

    rolled (J) beam versus floating deck

    Hi all - still debating some particulars on the design of the pool we hope to build this spring. I've tried to research but tough to find info on this topic. Which is better - a "rolled beam" edge of the pool - where they take rebar and curl it over to extend and bond the edge of the pool 12...
  24. R

    Pool Builder "evaluation grid" - any feedback? Items missed?

    Hi all - I've been reading this site for some time, and am very thankful for all the content. We are in the slow, methodical process of designing a pool and selecting a pool builder. Having met 3 builders, we are finding wide variations in design recommendations and having difficulty selecting...