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  1. C

    Loose Diving Board Repair?

    I have a 25 year old diving board embeded with 4 legs into my concrete pool deck. No idea how old the concrete is - it's in marginal shape at best. Last summer the diving board started getting loose on the back 2 holes. If an adult goes to the end of the diving board the back end lifts up...
  2. C

    Suction side leak - back pressure temp fix?

    Two pronged question here... I've followed all the usual steps to try and locate a suction side leak. No luck. 30 year old pool, 1 skimmer line to Hayward superpump to sand filter. I've had air bubbles on and off for years. Could never find a fix, so just ignored it. Recently my heater...
  3. C

    Pool Opening - Short Term With No Pump?

    I just replaced my vinyl liner. When doing the work we found some problems/cracks in my fibreglass steps. The liner has been put in, and water filled up to acceptable level (~60% full) to hold it in place, but still below the steps so we could work on them. I had a fibreglass guy come in to...