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  1. R

    Help!! Copper Algaecide Need Advice

    A service came to close our pool today. Despite requesting no chemicals, after pumping down the water they added Algaecide with Copper and Sequestrant. I had already added 1/2 gallon of Polyquat 60. What should I do? Pool has already been winterized and cover is on.
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    Test Photo From Imgur
  3. R

    Do I Need To Clean The Filter After Vacuuming Fertilizer?

    The lawn by my pool was fertilized today and some white (and a few black) granules ended up in my pool (maybe 1 Tablespoon). We manually vacuumed them up. Do I need to clean my filter if there is a bit fertilizer in it? Most of the material landed on the solar cover which is due for...
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    Mystery Increased FC

    Hello, We had some construction done in our pool area last week. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to check on the pool, I set the SWG to Superchlorinate for a few (3) days. The FC climbed to over 10 so I turned off the SWG to let the level drop. It’s been falling gradually. However, this morning...
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    Another pump speed and run time question...

    Pool is open and nicely balanced. It will be under solar cover and cold for many weeks so I’m not focused on surface scimming and I won’t be using the SWG or heat exchanger. There are no other water features etc. With this in mind, what is an appropriate run time and speed combo for my vs...
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    Oh No - CYA Sock Broke

    We’ve just replaced the water in our hot tub. I put a few ounces of CYA in a sock and started the jets. The water broke open the sock and now CYA granuals are on the bottom of hot tub. Can I just leave them there to dissolve or do I have to get them out? Will they cause damage to the...
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    How much chemical to have on hand when opening

    With pool season around the corner I want to preorder water chemistry supplies. I'm planning on starting with the following for my 34,500 gallon pool based on poolmath and usage history. What/how much do you stock? Complete water test kit Bleach 10 jugs (use until water is warm enough for...
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    Low pH and High TA

    I've been successfully using TFPC since opening my 1 year old pool. Now it's time to fix the water in my husband's hot tub. The water is being drained as I type. The source will be well water that has been treated for drinking. I know how to adjust FC, CH, CYA and Borates but how do you...
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    Early Season Chemistry

    To protect my 1yr old pool, I want to keep my CSI in a healthy place. To do that it seem my pH and TA need to be at their upper limit. However, I was under the impression that I should keep the pH and TA on the lower end of the recommended range for a SWG. As the weather gets warmer (and the...
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    Almost There - Bleach or Super Chlorinate?

    I have been working the past week to balance the water in our new pool. At this point I think I need to increase FC and keep working the pH and TA with muriatic acid and aeration, but I am getting a bit skittish. Could someone please review my test results and corresponding actions (see below)...
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    Do I Need A Check Valve & What's That Brass Thing???

    We have just finished building our pool and I have a question about our equipment. Between the heat pump and the salt cell there is a brass(?) thing and a flow a flow switch. What is the brass thing? Do I need it? Also, shouldn't there be a check valve where that brass thing is? Sorry to...