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  1. C

    Granular shock question

    It's opening day and as I was picking up my chlorine, I noticed a granular shock that was 73 % sodium hypochlorite for 15,000 gallons. I've never paid attention to granular before, would that be a wiser investment over liquid 10%? It's certainly cheaper and higher in concentration.
  2. C

    Clear opening do I slam?

    Opening after the winter in KY. Water was clear this year! My PH is 7.4 FC was 1.5 CC 0 cya was 50 alk was 50. I am adding cya and added chlorine based on the calc to bring my FC up to 5. Do I need to slam at opening? Or only if I have CC?
  3. C

    FC water testing sample doesn't clear up

    I am in the middle of a slam, raising my FC to 31(per swg pool math table). When I tested this morning my FC was 7.5 (i poured some bleach in last night). Anywho, using my k-2006 kit, and adding 4 jugs of bleach my sample was pink and as I added my drops of r-0871 (100+drops) I stopped bc the...
  4. C

    Floor drains have algae below the grate

    My floor drains have 3 screws holding the cover on. Can I remove these screws during normal operation and scrub this algae with a tooth brush?
  5. C

    Swamp thang, you've made my wife...ANGRY

    Hello, First time poster and I just started my first opening today. I've added some eye candy. The pool is 14x28 around 12,000 gal, vinyl liner, cartridge filter, and swg. I am now slamming the pool, poured my first two jugs of 8% bleach in and scrubbed down the walls and bottom to circulate...