First Test Results - Now what?

Once you get the hang of this, you will realize that:

Any green = Time to SLAM

I Seem to be in similar situation as you, just a month or two ahead. I recently adopted the TFPC when I couldn't keep the green out while my CYA was ~90. So I chose to drain and SLAM ahead of my SWG install. This allowed me to not only do the SLAM with less bleach, but also allowed me to learn how to maintain the pool ahead of the SWG so I felt like I was learning in a simpler environment, with fewer variables. It made sense to me at the time and I'm still comfortable with that approach. Well, advance the clock two months, and I got a little careless and let my FC dip ONCE. I started getting some algae so I did another SLAM right away. Because I was prepared, it turned out to be just a one day SLAM. I'm now letting the FC settle back down so I turn the SWG back on tomorrow.

The SLAM will work for you. As said earlier, ensure the FC stays above shock level for your CYA level, and you will get through the process as fast as possible. There is no hurrying it, it takes as long as it takes!
I dumped 9 gallons in of the 6% and tested an hour later and was at 27. Added another 4 gallons and will test tomorrow - back to Walmart tomorrow as well.
Pics- Very clear although I need to put the aquabot in. Need to get FC up when I go buy more bleach later. Good thing I suppose is that it is overcast today so the burn off won't be so great at least that is my hope.

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