Circupoool SJ55A problems

May 3, 2014
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool SJ-55
I’m posting this to possibly help others in the future. I purchased a new SJ55A last year and installed it last May. From day one, it didn’t seem to produce an abundance of chlorine, even running it at 100%. I opened a ticket with Circupool and got all the usual excuses. “Salt not high enough, pool isn’t balanced, phosphates in the pool, it runs on a 200 minute cycle” After letting them know everything was balanced and correct and even adding Phos Free to lower my <500 phosphate level, there was no change in production.It would keep up with what I needed for the most part, but I could never get my FC above 7 with it. So I figured it was what it was and I’d deal with it.
Then, the unit stopped generating completely. I’d have a green flow light, polarity light and percentage light, but no others (cell, salt or generate). Sometimes it would work and other times nothing. A few times I’d get a red warning on the salt and water temp lights, but turn it off and on and they’d go green and the unit would work or they’d stay off and it wouldn’t work at all. All of these very random and different things. I contacted Circupool again and was told to send in the unit. When I got home that evening until November, the unit worked! So, I never sent it in.
This March, I contacted Circupool before we opened our pool. I asked if there was any way I could trade in this unit for a RJ series. They said no to the trade in because the unit was over 30 days (even though I’ve had correspondence with them on issues from the get go). They said they’d give me $400 off list price of a RJ model. I didn’t do this because I really don’t want to shell out another $1200 or so, since I already shelled out a chunk last season.
We opened our pool on March 27th. Water was 58° and salt was 3200. I turned on the SWG expecting it not to work and it took off. It worked with no issues until last week.
Now it’s back to the random different lights. It was working sometimes but lately I can’t get it to generate at all.

Water temp is in the 70°’s and I added salt. Everything is where it should be. We cleaned the cell yesterday to rule that out (even though it didn’t look dirty)

I called Circupool today and they are sending me a new flow switch, jumper, female port and temp adapter to try.
They agree that something must be going on since it’s had so many different ways of not working and no red warning lights. I’m hoping to get the parts fast and hoping they fix the issue. I saw some older posts about people having issues with the flow switch, so I’m hoping g that’s it.
This is the wrong time of year for it not to work. We have some small trips planned and this thing needs to be able to chlorinate itself!

I will keep everyone posted on the progress!!
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Went ahead and replace the flow switch and female adapter last Friday because we were going to be gone over the weekend. The unit was working when we switched these out, but didn’t want to risk it not working while we were gone. The unit did work after swapping the parts. It worked all week until yesterday (Wednesday). Now it’s doing the same thing it did before. Red flow light for a couple of seconds when turning on and now the water temp light comes on red briefly (that’s something new). The water temp light turns off after a short second, the flow light stays red for about 4 or 5 seconds, then it turns green. No other lights after this and unit not generating. I emailed Circupool for instructions on how to install the jumper. They sent the part, but no instructions.
This morning I went out and messed with it again and it wasn’t working. While the unit was on, I unplugged the cell cord and plugged it back in, making sure it was seated. Lo and behold, I got all green lights and it’s generating . We have unhooked and rehooked that up before and pushed on the plug several other times to make sure it was seated and it did nothing. Not sure if this was just a coincidence or what.
Here is a pic of the jumper they sent. I’m not sure if we should install this or let the thing go and see if it continues to work. I would just like to find the exact cause and get it fixed. Stay tuned!!
Not to take any sides on this issue but the unit seems to have had problems from the get-go and CircuPool offered to take it back for service. There’s clearly some kind of intermittent failure going on. Continuing to fiddle with it is what’s causing all the frustration. Why haven’t you just sent it in? If it were me, I would have sent it back last year. I realize not having an SWG makes pool care harder but you’re clearly frustrated with it now already so it would seem logical to simply send the unit back and have their service shop fix whatever is wrong.
They aren’t paying for the shipping and they will charge me a prorated warranty amount, counting the unit as a year old. Since I’ve had issues with it from the git go, I’m trying to get them to take this unit back and exchange or upgrade for a reasonable price. That, they have not offered to me. That is why I called and spoke to someone in the phone instead of using the online chat. I am doing what their technician offered when I spoke to them in the phone. I’m hoping if I go thru the steps they tell me, they will end up taking care of me. The chats online weren’t going anywhere in my favor. They were not going to refund me my money for this problem unit. They offered me a discount on another unit. And that wasn’t such a great deal. It was $400 off of list and not the upgrade to a bigger unit like they normally have going on all the time. If you’d like to pay for all of this for me, I’ll gladly send it all back. I don’t have another $1200-$1400 to shell out for a new unit, especially since I just shelled out money for this one last year. I am only posting on here in case others come across similar issues.
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They offered me a discount on another unit. And that wasn’t such a great deal. It was $400 off of list and not the upgrade to a bigger unit like they normally have going on all the time
That's the quandary of the warranty that sounds awesome until you need it. You lose the sale price and probably have to pay shipping also. :(

but the dang thing has worked every day since I talked to them on the phone
SHHHHHHHHHH !!!!! It'll hear you. 🤫
Today’s update: the unit worked for a while, then it didn’t. Same old problems as before except this time, nothing made it work. Finally got the jumper installation instructions from Circupool and installed that but it made no difference. Called and talked to someone at Circupool and he tried telling me it had a 12 hour rest period. (In my previous chat session he said a 200 minute rest). I questioned that shouldn’t it come on if I turn it off and turn it back an and he said yes. After all is said and done, they have sent me a refurbished unit and a return tag to send my unit in for them to go over. Wired and installed the new one today and it wouldn’t power up!!! Pulled the front panel off and there was a wire to the On/Off switch that was not connected. Husband ended up breaking the spade when trying to connect it, so had to put a new spade on. Luckily he does know a thing or two. I can’t imagine people who are not handy or a little knowledgeable with this stuff! After reconnecting everything, this unit is WORKING!!!

Did notice on my unit that it was stuck on #1 polarity and after plugging the salt cell into this refurbished unit, it fits very tight. My unit has a lot of wiggle. We will see what they come up with at Circupool.