Now no cya


Jun 29, 2022
Las Vegas nv
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Thanks in advance for the help of this forum. You got my pool immaculate last year.
I have battled high cya and ch being in Las Vegas. I’ve drained and replaced last year and still had high cya.
Now I seem to have no cya registering at all. Tested last week and this week. Never thought I’d get acceptable but didn’t expect none.
So I guess I’ll be buying stabilizer. Too funny
Your CYA is 0.

What is your pH, TA and FC?
Don't add CYA yet, we first need to check if your CYA is zero because bacteria turned it into Ammonia over winter, which we would have to deal with first.

Another thing: Did you have your pump run long enough before testing to ensure that all the winter rain has been properly mixed in?
Water can stratify over winter, with a layer of more or less pure rain water on top.

Could you post a full set of parameters?
Don't add CYA yet, we first need to check if your CYA is zero because bacteria turned it into Ammonia over winter, which we would have to deal with first.

Another thing: Did you have your pump run long enough before testing to ensure that all the winter rain has been properly mixed in?
Water can stratify over winter, with a layer of more or less pure rain water on top.

Could you post a full set of parameters?
Sorry for late response. Pump runs on low every day for 8 hours. We don’t have much of winter weather in Las Vegas.
You don't have ammonia then. You should definitely get some CYA in. FC 5 without CYA is quite high. Just make sure that you don't overshoot, CYA below 30 is difficult to test, it may be 20, do assume that when adding CYA as your start level. Then retest once it's all dissolved and add more if required.
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