DE collecting INSIDE the filter panels instead of coating the outside


New member
May 8, 2024
I have had a Hayward DE Filter for about 20 years and it's worked flawlessly. About two years ago when the grid was removed to be cleaned all of the DE powder was accumulated inside the filter panels not coating the outside. As a result they could not be be cleaned. I replaced the grid and the same thing happened the next year. I replaced the grid again this spring and the pool is not filtering so I suspect the same problem. How is it that DE would be flowing inside the grids instead of coating the outside? The only change I can think that occurred at about the time this problem started is my Hayward multiport valve was replaced. It is the exact same valve as was previously on the unit except the discharge pipe is on the opposite side of the valve, could that make a difference?? Is it somehow possible that instead of the water flowing into the tank through the filter grids and out to the pool, the water is flowing into the filter grids then into the tank and out to the pool? My pool guy is totally perplexed. Help!
I have had a Hayward DE Filter for about 20 years and it's worked flawlessly. About two years ago when the grid was removed to be cleaned all of the DE powder was accumulated inside the filter panels not coating the outside. As a result they could not be be cleaned. I replaced the grid and the same thing happened the next year. I replaced the grid again this spring and the pool is not filtering so I suspect the same problem. How is it that DE would be flowing inside the grids instead of coating the outside? The only change I can think that occurred at about the time this problem started is my Hayward multiport valve was replaced. It is the exact same valve as was previously on the unit except the discharge pipe is on the opposite side of the valve, could that make a difference?? Is it somehow possible that instead of the water flowing into the tank through the filter grids and out to the pool, the water is flowing into the filter grids then into the tank and out to the pool? My pool guy is totally perplexed. Help!
Open the filter, remove the grid assembly, start the pump. Does water come up the pipe the manifold is attached to? Valve is plumbed backwards, wrong MPV (one for a sand filter), label on the MPV is wrong.
Put the MPV in the backwash position, turn on the pump. Does water enter at the bottom of the tank? Wrong valve (likely a sand-filter MPV), valve is plumbed backwards, label on the valve is wrong.
Only takes a minute to see where the water is going, but someone might get wet in the process. I always consider that a part of the job. Perplexed is always the very last option. These are actually very simple machines.

Sounds like the water is flowing backwards and I would suspect that you have the wrong MPV..

I suggest that you get an un-perplexed pool guy.. :mrgreen:


Jim R.
Thank you. I.m sure you are right. After reading your comment I researched it and learned that an MPV for a DE filter has reverse water flow from that of a sand filter. I was unaware of that and it appears as if my pool guy was too. DE filters are very uncommon around where I live. Hopefully he will make good and install the correct MPV. Thanks for your help!
Open the filter, remove the grid assembly, start the pump. Does water come up the pipe the manifold is attached to? Valve is plumbed backwards, wrong MPV (one for a sand filter), label on the MPV is wrong.
Put the MPV in the backwash position, turn on the pump. Does water enter at the bottom of the tank? Wrong valve (likely a sand-filter MPV), valve is plumbed backwards, label on the valve is wrong.
Only takes a minute to see where the water is going, but someone might get wet in the process. I always consider that a part of the job. Perplexed is always the very last option. These are actually very simple machines.
Thank you for clarifying how the DE and sand MPV's differ. I am certain that is the problem. I greatly appreciate your help.
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