Filter and multi port valve Rlreplacement


Gold Supporter
Apr 1, 2021
Seattle, WA
Pool Size

Winter was tough. Multiport valve cracked and leaking, thought it was strange there was some sand on the floor. Turns out the sand filter fiberglass was also cracked and leaking too.

My dilemma is to figure out best way to proceed from here. I already bought a like multiport valve but have not replaced yet. I could also replace the sand filter with similar (Triton TR60). Keep everything like for like.

However, before making that decision I figured it would be prudent to source TFP for wisdom. Should I consider making any changes to my filtration setup? Open to wisdom please.

I've attached a photo of my setup in happier times.


  • Screenshot_20240413-143804.png
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My advice is dump the sand filter and multiport and replace with a cartridge filter which doesn't use the multiport. Say goodbye to the mess and trouble of backwashing. Clean the filters 2-3 times per season. Done.
Do you chlorinate with trichlor and rely on the backwashes to regulate your CYA level?
My advice is dump the sand filter and multiport and replace with a cartridge filter which doesn't use the multiport. Say goodbye to the mess and trouble of backwashing. Clean the filters 2-3 times per season. Done.
Thanks for the response.

That's essentially what I was wondering. Any suggestions on how to size an alternative cartridge system? 25000 gallon pool, 1.5HP pump. What else do I need to consider?
Do you chlorinate with trichlor and rely on the backwashes to regulate your CYA level?
Thanks for responding.

No to trichlor. We are all liquid chlorine, added manually.

Note that i've removed the automatic chlorinator shown in that photo. I should probably look into replacing with a swcg and an also open to sourcing wisdom on what to consider in that regard.
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