Cloudy water -all levels are good

Let the robot run cycle after cycle as that will get the dust you speak of water bound and into the filter at some point. Not that your OCLT was bad but I base decision on visual too so I'd run the FC on the hot side for the next week together with the pump 24/7. Take advantage of the vsp so it can run even at lower rpm now as long as it's ON and satisfies the SWCG.
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Keep running your pump and keep brushing the yellow stuff up mixing it in the pool water. Your filter will get it out.

Treat yourself to a new pressure gauge. You can tell a lot more about your pool water with a decent gauge. Get 0-30 psi glycerin filled. TFTestkits has a good one Center-mount Pressure Gauge for about $25

Leave your pH alone. Anywhere in the 7's is fine and it will creep up naturally.
Thanks, I just ordered the gauge

A few more questions if you don't mind.

1- Should i bring my TA and CYA up?
I seem to have a hard time getting my CYA to go up when I add the amount listed on the package. And I always worry because the testing method is quite subjective. I have kind of settled on the idea that the exact amount is not very important, but not sure if that is a good way to think of it. Especially when I was thinking I might have to SLAM...then I realized I really need to know an accurate number.

2- Are the aftermarket cartridge filters (mine is from Filters Fast) ok? I don't mind paying extra if I get a better filter.
You are cleaning the filters in the robot after running it right….do you see the yellow dust in there?

Post a picture of the filters before rinsing them off.
Yes I clean the robot and filter every run.

Here is a pic of one I just cleaned next to one I have not cleaned for contrast.

Also these are 4 seasons old, should I replace these filters?
will they filter better?

filters 20220906_171440.jpg
So I am back. I hate to waist everyone's time but I am at a loss.
So, pool cleared up (sorry I thought I had updated this thread) for a couple of weeks but this weekend its cloudy again??
It passed OCLT this morning (.5 loss) but its cloudier than last time.
Since the 1st time I posted, I have changed my pump schedule to run 14hrs a day instead of 9 to get more filter time.

Since I noticed the cloudiness again, I have cranked up the RPMs from 1300 to 2000 to pump more water through the filter.
I cleaned the filter out yesterday and it did have a lot of the yellow dust in it.
I also started running the robot several times a day again as it picks up lots of the yellow color too. I think it also helps to keep it circulating in the water for the pump to pick up.
I guess since Im not using up chlorine its just an ascetics issue, but I am proud of my clear pool (thanks to this forum) and well..its just bugging me terribly as to why after 4 years Im suddenly having this issue.
Also I realize I am focused on this yellow dust and that might not have anything to do with it...but since I have never noticed it before, I suspect its the culprit.
Any insight, advice, counseling, or encouragement is welcome.

Thanks again
Post the numbers….what % is your SWG set at? Also upload a picture of the pool / surrounding area.
Sorry for the delay, been dealing with a little storm lol

Anyway below are the some pics from today. Not sure if you can see the cloudiness or not.
After the storm (Ian) the pool was clear. It did not cloud up until I ran the robot this morning. And you can see clean tracks amongst the yellow wherever it cleans.

I had to drain about 6" out because of rain. Ian did replace about 4"of them for me.
I have also left the pool running 24hrs a day since Sunday and running the robot at least 2 or 3 times a day except for Wednesday and yesterday.
I typically run the swg at 30% but I cranked to up to 60% and have been leaving it on 24hrs a day since before the storm.
Our neighborhood is older and built out, so no new construction going on. We also back up to a 1000 acre I do not know where this "dust" is coming from...but we have never had it until last month??
Im guessing it must be pretty fine stuff to be able to get past the filter.

And I just tested the pool and got these numbers:

PH=7.5 (I have an ExStcik PH meter)
Salt =3200
water temp =77.4

I Just unhooked the SWG and Ill let the FC come back down the next few days .

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So this morning I decided to clean the filter again even though the pressure was not elevated.
I cleaned it on my normal schedule a few weeks ago but this morning it was full of the " dust".
I snapped a pic of it flowing out the filter as I was cleaning but I'm not sure the pic does it justice.
This is after I had been cleaning a bit. It took me a few minutes to think to grab my camera

Sorry to revive an old thread but this is the 3rd year in a row this has happened, so I thought this might keep some history relevant. Please move it if needed.

At any rate, it happened again! Is this simply a lot of pollen/dust making my water cloudy?

Story this year is pool was clear Friday morning, but bottom had a yellow tinge to it. So, I brushed the top step, and a cloud of yellow dust pops up. I used the opportunity to go ahead and brushed the whole pool. I then ran the robot and that when everything got cloudy.
I typically send the robot to vacuum once a week, but I had let 3 weeks or so get by me this time.
I have been running vacuum several times a day to keep the water stirred up in hopes it will filter out.

Never any CC. Did OCL test last night, and it might have been a loss of 1, but I think it was .5 (not sure why I doubt myself when doing these tests).
The last 48 hours I have kept my CHL at 16-18 just to has not seemed to help.

I cleaned the filter this morning and it was full of the yellow stuff. Pressure never crept up on gauge though.

FC=18 (was 6 prior to this)
CC= 0
PH =7.7 (newly calibrated EX stick meter and PH stick meter-both had same reading)
CH = 350
CYA = 40
Salt =3200
water temp =90

I absolutely obsess over the clarity of our pool water....its like a pride thing really.
Any help, ideas would be greatly appreciated. Especially on what can I do to prevent this?? I will screen it in if that will solve it lol
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With those trees on the property line, you're gonna take some serious dustings in the spring and fall. The history of your thread kinda lines right up perfectly.


You performed an OCLT at the first inkling of trouble. Hats off there. No need to come ask if you should. Just do and then tell us the results. (y)

When you pass the OCLT, then it's a filtering issue. You need more filter time, or more days if already running 24/7. My 1st pool was heavily treed and even 24/7 didn't keep up for a few weeks each spring because I opened early to beat the inevitable swamp if I waited out the pollen.

You also did good elevating the FC for good measure. Start it everyday a little over high target, no need for SLAM with the FC holding.

Sorry to revive an old thread
It's your thread and it's relevant. You're 2 fer 2. (y)
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With those trees on the property line, you're gonna take some serious dustings in the spring and fall. The history of your thread kinda lines right up perfectly.

View attachment 578208

You performed an OCLT at the first inkling of trouble. Hats off there. No need to come ask if you should. Just do and then tell us the results. (y)

When you pass the OCLT, then it's a filtering issue. You need more filter time, or more days if already running 24/7. My 1st pool was heavily treed and even 24/7 didn't keep up for a few weeks each spring because I opened early to beat the inevitable swamp if I waited out the pollen.

You also did good elevating the FC for good measure. Start it everyday a little over high target, no need for SLAM with the FC holding.

It's your thread and it's relevant. You're 2 fer 2. (y)
Thank you and appreciate the reinforcement that "its just the way it is" lol
One thing I have not thought of was running 24/7 for a few days to help clear this up. Ill start that tonight for sure.
Maybe next year I can head this off by running 24/7 at the 1st sign of the dust/ pollen in the pool??

BTW, I just noticed (since posting this thread) that there are quite a few "Cloudy pools" threads right now.
BTW, I just noticed (since posting this thread) that there are quite a few "Cloudy pools" threads right now
Well most the north just opened up this weekend, and we're all taking environmental debris too.
Maybe next year I can head this off by running 24/7 at the 1st sign of the dust/ pollen in the pool??
I'd go at the first thought that the next week or two would be seeing pollen. You have a VS pump that costs peanuts to run at the lowest speed that skimming works.

Mine gets 24 hours on low speed for the same energy as 2pointsomething on high speed.
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