Couple closing questions.


Jun 27, 2010
I open and close my own pool.

My dad passed away this Spring and he did EVERYTHING for their pool. My mom has been a warrior trying to manage the pool herself now. I’ve talked her off the ledge a few times with algae breakouts.

I live an hour away and want to close for her.

I never watched in detail what my dad did when I was a kid.

They only have water “IN” through the skimmer. Years ago when they replaced the liner the pool company for some reason capped the main floor drain. Not sure why.

Water IN comes from the skimmer only.

Equipment is stored in the garage which is in Ontario, Canada so it gets cold.

Water goes from the pump into a Sand Filter then back to the pool through 2 returns.

1. With my pool I have 2 drain plugs in the pump. I presume theirs will as well. Very little water comes out.

2. I have a cartridge filter, they have a sand filter. I drain A LOT of water from my filter. What do I need to do with the sand filter, will I be dealing with a lot of water?

3. After draining the equipment, hook up a blower and blow out the skimmer line. Add some antifreeze and cap the skimmer

4. Blow out the 2 return lines, add some antifreeze and cap.

5. Put the safety cover on.

Is there anything I need to do that I didn’t mention?
You can do it. :goodjob: Your mom's pool will not be much different or difficult, especially since the plumbing and equipment seems very simple. For the skimmer, you might consider a Gizmo for protection, but other than draining water from the sand filter the rest is much like what you have probably done before. Please see the links below for more help and let us know if you have any other questions. feel free to post pics of her pool if you need to.

Yes I read that. My question is: Do you drain a sand filter?

I don’t remember my dad doing this.

If not their pool will be easy to close.

If I need to drain it, I’m not sure where my dad diverted the water
The sand filter should have a screw cap at the back bottom of the filter, after you blow the lines, remove that plug for the winter and loosen the top plug so air will get into the filter and help it drain more. Leave off the bottom plug and water will drain by gravity as needed. Don’t forget to replace it in the spring when you get ready to reopen.
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