New Pool, North Atlanta, GA

Hi everyone, bad weather has probably helped our gunite cure so we’re not too disappointed, and now it looks like almost a week of dry weather so fingers crossed and we might see some action. We’re suffering from the same non-communicationitis that a lot of people‘s PBs on here seem to be afflicted with. It’s an interesting ailment…
anywho, I want to get the TF100 test kit so I can test our fill water (kitchen sink) but the rent aren’t any bundle deals and the TF100 has 6-7 options that I could purchase at checkout so can someone guide me a little please?
-anyone here connected to the online store who can advise if the bundles will be coming back soon? I quite fancy getting the whale brush thing and skimmer angels?
-the first selectable option is blank - is that for the speed stir?
-should I get the Borate strips for our 19k salt pool with a gunite and pebble sheen shell?
-I’m assuming the Sal test is a better option than the salt strips, is that correct?
-the XL option is probably worth it but I probably don’t need the standard sampler
what else? Thanks in advance!

Has anyone added “luminous” to their pebble sheen plaster and if so, do you recommend it? What ratio did you add? And what was the approximate cost for your pool? Thanks in advance!
Has anyone added “luminous” to their pebble sheen plaster and if so, do you recommend it? What ratio did you add? And what was the approximate cost for your pool? Thanks in advance!
Hi Daniel - Neighbor just a bit north from you! - did you look at the shimmering sea addition? Also, would you mind PM your PB name? We are 2 months from dig day and no shotcrete yet - supposed to be early next week - we'll see! Our PB has also been pretty quiet - wish they realized any communication - even if bad news is better than no communication. Was initially told we would be swimming in June - ha! If you decide to get 'luminous' added - would love to see pictures! Thanks!
Hi There, I’ve just PM‘d you the details.
I inferred that shimmering sea was already part of the Ocean Blue product but maybe not. I do like the idea of the luminous addition - but would love to see it or see picture from someone on this forum firstly.
More progress! A team randomly showed up on Friday to start the tile, coping, and spa wall building. They came back on Saturday and today to wrap up. I think we’re looking pretty good!
please excuse the dust during our construction!

id love to get some feedback on the test kits and adding luminous and/or shimmering see to a pebble sheen finish if anyone has any comments?


Hi Daniel,
Did your PB ask you to water the concrete after the shoot? Ours is saying that it is not necessary. Any other PBs out there would love to hear your opinions. Supposed to be 90 degrees today. Many thanks!
Hi there, I asked the gunite crew and they recommended it. As you know we’ve had pretty rainy weather here in Atlanta over the last few weeks so we were aided by that too.
Hi there, I asked the gunite crew and they recommended it. As you know we’ve had pretty rainy weather here in Atlanta over the last few weeks so we were aided by that too.
Thank you We asked same and were told by crew as well. Wonder if we hadn't asked though? Hope all is going well with your pool!
TF100 has 6-7 options that I could purchase at checkout so can someone guide me a little please?
Hey Dan !!!

The XL is a great option for newbs and those who need to SLAM. It’s easy but as everything else has a learning curve so the extras will be helpful.

The PH meter is for techies that love toys. It’s a great toy, but not needed.

the sample sizer is another great tool. It’s a hunk of metal. You fill the vial completely and dunk the chunk. It pushes out all but the 10ml or 25 ml. It’s also really easy to just fill the vial yourself, so it’s great but not really necessary

The salt test (k-1766) is a must for SWG pools.

the salt strips and borates strips are so-so. Ok for a spot check but really not needed. Most won’t have any use for the borates strips.

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Thank you for the feedback on the testing supplies, Newdude. I’m just waiting for my TFP Sponsor discount to be reset and I’ll follow your recommendations.
ouchee on the $2k for the luminous addition! I reached out to pebbletech directly to see if they had any pics to share but no response yet. Thanks for the feedback though, BS75758
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Thank you for the feedback on the testing supplies
Of course !!! And I’m just realizing that I missed the most important thing. The speed stir / smart stir. It not listed as it’s out of stock. Some things have been hit/miss lately. Any who Google / Amazon it or wait for TFT to be in stock. It is the best $30 you can spend on your pool. No question.
Good morning everyone! Pool building progress check: does anyone have any progress? Anyone? Bueller?

on another note, my test kit arrived so I tested the intended pool fill water - city water from our tap, ie: council pop. According to some of the other posts I only needed to test PH, Calcium Hardness, and Total Alkalinity so here you go:
PH, between 7.5 and 7.8
CH, 50 - just two drops to get the red colour
TA, 30 - 3 drops

so, for fill water, I think I’m in a good place, right?
thanks, Daniel.
We've had our deck base installed! We're gradually creeping forward...

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Daddy, Mama, Jakey, and baby Charlotte!

Next is the natural stone decking and fence installation...


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I’ve been receiving those gas and electric bill offers of flat billing where my utility bills are smoothed out for the year and I’ll only pay $80/month or whatever it is. It usually works out to be more in total than I’ve been paying over the last year, but we’ll be starting up our pool in the next month or so and I’m expecting my utility usage to go up. The flat payment plans state there’s overage charges at the end of the year so these flat payment offers are starting to sound interesting. Has anyone else successfully stuck it to the gas and electricity man with these plans before?
I was on 'balanced billing' for electric at my old house the first few years we were there. It was nice that it was a set bill that you could plan around. But when things changed you were paying way under/over. Mine did a mid year recalculation and then we either paid a little less for the rest of the year, or a little more to catch up. Eventually we just said 'it is what it is' and paid the actual bill each month.

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