Have two big red oaks in front yard and planted 5 years ago a decorative pear tree. So no more trees for me. Lot is only 1/3 of an acre. Never seen a forum where everbodies a moderator, that's pretty much why I try to refrain from using it, of late. Hard to feel as a part of something, when you are on a lower rung.
Never seen a forum where everbodies a moderator, that's pretty much why I try to refrain from using it, of late. Hard to feel as a part of something, when you are on a lower rung.
Im not so sure I understand your post? Im not a moderator but I do respond to lots of posts to acknowledge the fact they posted, to provide encouragement, offer advice or simply because I like something. The great majority of folks come to this site for advice/help (just as you did) thus the need for the moderators. TFP is not so much a social outlet though it does have many fun and social areas but the bulk is built around helping and providing solid advice. The fact that so many moderators chimed in on your build is a testament to the commitment of TFP.
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