New building pool first time and taking extremely long time!

Sep 10, 2018
Granbury, Tx
Hi, we are new to the group and building a new pool for the first time. We were told the process would be 8 to 12 weeks depending on weather... We started getting quotes in February 2018, signed our contract to begin April 9, 2018, pool dig did not began until May 30th. We are now in week 15 and are waiting for them to come shoot the plaster and do final cleanup which will not be happening this week. During this time we were in a big drought so rain has not been an issue until now. Is this common to drag on this long or are we just an anomaly? We went with a very reputable builder who most reviews were 5 star. We chose them because we have a steep incline and they were the only company that said they would use piers to build up the pool on one end, however they did not do this as they said when they started the dig it was not going to be necessary but price of pool did not change which I find to be odd. Any input would be appreciated, at this point I am a little bit aggravated at the whole process.
Any input would be appreciated, at this point I am a little bit aggravated at the whole process.

Oh I bet you are!

How often do you hear from the PB? What excuses has he given you? How much of your money does he have versus how much is still being held by you?? If you are still holding on to money that's good.

Is your equipment in place yet?? Got pics to show us?

Maddie :flower:
We hear from the PB about once a week only because we call them. We have gone weeks sometimes with no one coming out to do any work. We are now on week 18 and waiting to hear from them if they will shoot the pebble sheen this week.
They have lots of excusses, the rain (which we have been in a drought all summer), other contractors backed up...
There process is pay as you go so the majority has been paid only have one payment left due when completed.
The pool will be beautiful I am sure once completed assuming it ever gets completed.
How long do most pool builds take? I have seen on line usually 8 to 10 weeks and was not sure if that was accurate.
8-10 or 12 weeks is a commonly quoted time. But rest assured, plenty go longer than that for exactly the reasons you are experiencing. Our build was 15 weeks, about a month of which was a delay on my part.

All you can do really is be the squeaky wheel. Be the thorn in their side, but when they come out and get something done be super nice and appreciative. Then quickly back to wheel/thorn.

BTW - That's a really pretty setup and you are SO close! In the end, it sounds like you will have a good product, but just a little (lot) slower than expected. I can tell you that the build frustrations do subside pretty quickly while on a float on a sunny day.
This company does not use yard signs as far as i know and we live in a different town from where they do most of their work. They have only built a handful of pools in our town as far as we know and we are the only ones currently having a build here. Unfortunately now because of rain now it is still not done. :(
Is there one place or shop they leave out of? Maybe you could check it out and talk to someone in "management" there directly? Let your face be known and concern seen?

Squeaky wheel and all that....?

Maddie :flower:
Some of these guys have a nasty habit of stalling. I swear they are on the street trying to sell the next build. Once that get that first check, they return. It's a vicious circle. The best way to get guys to show back up to work is owe THEM money. If you want them to disappear, pay them!
6 months later and we are finally done, thanks for all your input. We still had some issues in the end but I am pleased with the outcome. Unfortunately they finished the day my husband had to go into the hospital for back surgery so it will be a while before we can all enjoy it.
Very pretty pool.

Lots of magic in your signature when it comes to sanitizing the water. Just remember you need to follow the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA].

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