Recent content by wags

  1. W

    Convert Softswim to Chlorine

    Only took 3 days and my pool is clear. Since then I have added bleach but can not keep the levels up. I added 4 lbs of stabilizer on Tuesday night, strips say 30-50 on stabilizer, still losing chlorine. Do I need to keep the chlorine at 3 all the time? How often do I need to shock?
  2. W

    Convert Softswim to Chlorine

    Do I need to maintain the Ph level during this process?
  3. W

    Convert Softswim to Chlorine

    OK, based on the pool calculator I added the amount of bleach to inrease the PPM to 15, after 30 minutes the test strip showed "0". Not sure how you can keep it at 15ppm. Will it take considerably longer only adding the bleach at night or should I just keep adding during the day for this weekend?
  4. W

    Convert Softswim to Chlorine

    I have green, I used a granular shock ("Calcium Hypochlorite" which I would not recommend now), will it hurt to use Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach) to finish the process??
  5. W

    Convert Softswim to Chlorine

    Thanks. Since I am will be new to using the bleach, do I need stabilizer and eventually clarifiers? If so what is the best to use?
  6. W

    Convert Softswim to Chlorine

    Tired of spending the money for Softswim just to see it disappear. I currently have the following conditions. Softswim B - 30 Softswim C - 0 PH - 7.6 TA - 113 TH - 247 Is it easier to convert if I let the "B" level reach 0 or I am looking at monitoring the chlorine levels for several days?