Recent content by vpace74

  1. V

    Shock vs SLAM - Difference? And WEEKLY?!?

    This is SUPER helpful but why do you "not worry with it" (CH) because you have vinyl? I only ask bc mine will also be vinyl. And yes, we are just a day or two away from filling.
  2. V

    Shock vs SLAM - Difference? And WEEKLY?!?

    I have looked at the tests, gone through Pool School (several times), watched the test videos, and I think I get how to do the tests and what levels I should be looking for. I definitely plan to order one and practice before the pool is open. What I don't get is how often you do each test...
  3. V

    Shock vs SLAM - Difference? And WEEKLY?!?

    I have ready the thread on SLAMing so I have a very *basic* idea of what it is. I have been searching the internet on basic saltwater pool chemistry and site after site said that ALL pools, including those with SWG, have to be shocked "regularly" - about once a week in the warm, summer months...
  4. V

    Do you cover yourself? (And other non-swim season questions....)

    We intend to do a safety cover so that nothing can fall through, get trapped and drown. I know they are expensive but I would just personally feel much better since we don't have a fence - and that would be cheaper than a fence. I don't know that "keeping it open" all year is an option? Or...
  5. V

    Lounge chairs from Sam's

    I ordered 4 of these from Sam's in the brown and they arrived within a week. They showed up on my doorstep yesterday - already put together. I was worried you couldn't lay belly flat but they are fine laying back or belly. And I love how wide they are and the color. I saw some negative...
  6. V

    POLL: Depth Question - Need Fast Advice - 16x33 - If It Were You?????

    We don't dive, either, and worried about "losing" or "wasting" space in a deep end. We went with 3.5-4-6' bc we also always seem to stay in the shallow end of any pool. However, we do not have young children. We do have a teenager and expect there to be some teenagers here. We thought in the...
  7. V

    Do you cover yourself? (And other non-swim season questions....)

    Pools are not abundant where I live and I know of no one who covers their pool in the winter. I fully intend to get a safety cover - to protect our pups in the winter and keep too many Disney character suicides (i.e. not having woodland creatures hop on in) from happening. Out of curiosity as...
  8. V

    Now we have algae in the stupid pool!

    He said I will get a "test" kit - not sure what it is or what it looks like. I am mainly hoping for a better understanding of the equipment and how it works, what chemicals he uses, some trouble shooting techniques, and what levels he strives for. I hope he uses some sort of "real" test kit so...
  9. V

    Minimum Depth for Jumping?

    Our deep end is only 6' and I am already paranoid at the thought of anyone jumping in and hitting bottom. There is no way I would let my kids do that - and this guy is much more of a gambler than I would be. I have great insurance in regards to the pool, but I am not going to invite people to...
  10. V

    Now we have algae in the stupid pool!

    DMS - you crack me up. You say the things I know I am going to be saying when I go through this. I have read all the articles and keep reading forums and for me, it seems like an advanced chemistry class. LOL My PB will take care of the pool this year (part of the agreement) and I plan to...
  11. V

    New TFP Pool Pics

    Looks amazing and I love the shape. I like curves. ;)
  12. V

    The Never Ending Pool Project in AR

    Well, we got a bunch of rain yesterday and they are calling for another monsoon this afternoon - a flash flood watch. PB isn't here as of 9:12 am. Steps did get finished yesterday and some of the equipment hooked up. I am beginning to think that putting in a pool is like washing the car - it...
  13. V

    The Never Ending Pool Project in AR

    Yes - that is a tanning ledge with its own skimmer and return. It will have 10 inches of water in it. Thank you. We love the stone, too. They had all that stone done in about a week - a 72 year old man and his worker hand laying, cutting and shaping all that stone. He was amazing to watch.
  14. V

    Cannot upload pictures

    Makes sense and was pretty easy after following the instructions.
  15. V

    The Beckert Pool

    I was hoping it wouldn't be too awful. It seems like a win/lose situation - we get some amazing shaded spots in different places around the pool during the day, but then there is the hassle of the leaves. We are planning to get one of those mesh covers for ours that lets water in (so it...