Recent content by Twindad23

  1. T

    Desperate for help

    Looked at all of those places. THe only place I haven’t searched is my booster pump for the spa. It’s not been used this year. I should probably fire it up and check it out. Everything else looks great. No signs of algae anywhere else.
  2. T

    Desperate for help

    I’m staying committed. Still SLAM’ing. The amount of LC needed is lessening each day. Hopefully just a few more days.
  3. T

    Desperate for help

    FC is 21 as of now. Ive definitely had to add much less LC today compared to yesterday. Thus far, only 4 gallons of LC added today. Moving in the right direction. Will continue to SLAM.
  4. T

    Desperate for help

    FC 15 this morning. I feel like I’m making progress.
  5. T

    Desperate for help

    Continuing to SLAM. FC 21 as I prepare for bed. Took a total of 4 cases of LC today to maintain the SLAM. Let’s hope tomorrow goes well.
  6. T

    Desperate for help

    So after the last 4 gallons of LC…i overshot my target by a little. My FC is 25. The target was 20. I will say there is slight oily like debris with minimal bubbles floating on the water now that wasn’t there before. I imagine that is the chlorine doing its thing. Staying committed. Will...
  7. T

    Desperate for help

    Just curious…how long did it take you to complete the SLAM process?
  8. T

    Desperate for help

    the LC isn’t the issue. Lol. It’s killing and burning thru it. The demand should lessen over time.
  9. T

    Desperate for help

    Morning update….I did get out of bed and add 8 more gallons of shock last night to reach my target of FC 20. FC this morning was 4.5 :( added 4 gallons of liquid shock….then FC 13 I just added 4 more gallons. Will retest in 20 minutes. I will say the pool already looks better. It was clear...
  10. T

    Desperate for help

    DUDE…i misread it initially. Time to get out of bed and go add more. SOB! I don’t know if I’ll have enough to get the job done. I only bought 12 cases (4 gallons to a case).
  11. T

    Desperate for help

    Target is 6-8 per SLAM. I’m going to bed. Not staying up all night
  12. T

    Desperate for help

    4 gallons of 12.5% liquid shock added. FC now 6.8. Will check again in the morning.
  13. T

    Desperate for help

    Test kit arrived. FC 1.0 CC 0.4 ph 7.4 TA 100 CYA 50 CH 300 Salt 3440 temp 82 CSI -0.3 Starting the SLAM now. Wish me luck
  14. T

    Desperate for help

    Just ordered tay.or 2006c. Picking up several cases of liquid shock tomorrow. Will plan for the SLAM.
  15. T

    Desperate for help

    Pool is clear. A Few small areas of superficial algae that I’ve battled. This spring it was green. Unfortunately life got busy and we had a ton of leaves and debris within the pool over the winter. I neglected the pool and thats on me. This spring I would shock it and clear it and then it’d...