Recent content by totaleclipser

  1. T

    Total rebuild due, need lots of input

    Is the formatting coming from what i send? Anyway thanks for responding info, all is helpful, i do agree some with the tab issue but have been able to make the adjustments without having to completely draining the pool, i have used tabs for at least 90% of the time, i service the pool myself...
  2. T

    Total rebuild due, need lots of input

    I am in the San Francisco Bay area
  3. T

    Total rebuild due, need lots of input

    This posting is a copy of me trying to get help/info from Pentair web site and they recomended that i post here..........I am looking for help on what equipment would be a good replacement for my pool: 27k-30k gal. a 400-600 gal. attached spa. Purex 48sq.ft. filter 96 g.p.m. with 1 1/2hp. pump...