Recent content by surf3fin

  1. S

    My first trip to leslies for a water test

    Yep, I also listened to them and spent more money than I should have on removing phosphates from the pool. I now know better and simply use liquid chlorine and muratic acid to keep things in check. TFP has been such a help to me its not even funny. Really appreciate all the help in these forums.
  2. S

    My first trip to leslies for a water test

    When I was first learning about pools I took water samples in to that pool store for testing several times. I found it strange that things like CYA varied so much when all the information I find on it says the only way to lower it is to drain and refill. Just an example of why I trust my own...
  3. S

    Very High CYA level requires high chlorine level - is it safe?

    Thank you all again. I think that - with all of your help - I can kick the local pool store (or is that a chemical selling location?) to the curb and take care of this pool myself. Great site!!!!
  4. S

    Very High CYA level requires high chlorine level - is it safe?

    This is a great forum and I really appreciate all the advice. I have received the test kit that I ordered and have performed all of the tests twice. Once the day the kit arrived then again today (after taking my sample water inside and letting everything get to the same temps. I am seeing a...
  5. S

    Very High CYA level requires high chlorine level - is it safe?

    Thanks again. I agree and do not plan to do a slam until after I can do the drain, coating, and refill. In the meantime I have good looking water and good algae control with an FC level at 19. I ordered the good test kit last night and will know what my CYA level really is as soon as it arrives.
  6. S

    Very High CYA level requires high chlorine level - is it safe?

    Thanks folks. This is all great information and I will start with purchasing a good test kit as recommended. I must say that the pool store tests have shown some very strange fluctuation in some of the numbers which give me cause to wonder about their accuracy. Thanks chem geek for the...
  7. S

    Very High CYA level requires high chlorine level - is it safe?

    I am a new member and must start with saying thank you for providing such a great site with excellent information. Now on to my question: I have a 40,000 gallon in ground plaster pool in Southern California with a DE filter on it. I bought this house and the pool was already in place so I have...