Recent content by stingr07

  1. stingr07

    New AG Pool, Which Chemicals Do I Add First?

    So, new pool has been installed and it's almost time to turn on the pump and get things rolling. I've tested the water with my TF-100 and here are the results: FC - 0 CC - 0 pH - 6.8 TA - 30 CH - 50 (not worried about since it's vinyl AG) CYA - 0 I put those results into the Pool Calculator...
  2. stingr07

    New AG Pool Owner - Making a List

    Test kit arrived yesterday. Results for the water I will be using to fill my pool are: FC = 2 CC = 0.5 CH = 50 pH = 7.5 TA = 40
  3. stingr07

    Consistently Losing Chlorine

    Appreciate the suggestion! Will give this a try and will post the results!
  4. stingr07

    New AG Pool Owner - Making a List

    Hey everyone! Decided to relive my childhood and buy an above-ground pool similar to the one my family had growing up. It's expected to be installed the week of August 15th. I have purchased the TF-100 kit, and it's on its way. However, what other items should I put on the list to purchase...
  5. stingr07

    Consistently Losing Chlorine

    Asking for a friend. 20k gallon IG vinyl-lined pool with sand filter. Little Rock, AR area. Since July (when temps climbed to 95+), he has been having a real problem keeping chlorine in the pool. He had an algae bloom but got rid of that with water back to clear. Added 2lbs of shock...