Recent content by slrising

  1. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    That would give me a 461 as of today’s test results with 33% reduction .
  2. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    Thanks for the insight, in that case until I get a TF-100 is a 33% reduction in ppm about the correct amount for the conversion? Only thing I could find online from a trusted source.
  3. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    Not according to my documentation and instructions it only measures CH not TH. I also have test strips that measure TH. Since there is no magnesium the water and the test strips read about the same level and it’s stayed the same after four days I’m confident the numbers are accurate.
  4. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    Thanks for all the info, all my numbers are back in check minus salt and CH but the CH is manageable at 600. So go down further this winter if we get a good rain season like last year. Salt will be fixed tomorrow. Also found some great advice for producing great reliable tests across the...
  5. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    Today’s #s: FCL 2.05 TCL 2.05 PH 7.3 ALY 74 CH 600 CYA 90 Salt 3500 Temp 70.1
  6. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    Good news, well sort of. Confirmed issue was expired reagents. Bio Active was effective CYA of 60. CH is back to where I began the year plus 10ppm at 760. Drained 18” of water and cleaned the filters (lots of calcium in the bottom of the filter housing). Skimmed as much calcium off the...
  7. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    Thanks for the info, will start with a partial drain and refill today after I confirm CH and CYA and then SLAM after I have better numbers from the refill. I already have a K-2006 kit from the previous owner but will need new reagents for it as they are at least 4 years old. The pool store...
  8. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    Thanks for the reply, I do know the calcium levels dropped because we got rid of the ring and scale build up over the summer. It’s back now though and that’s why I also believe it was probably at an acceptable range before I added the calcium although the tests were probably not accurate, will...
  9. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    LaMotte ColorQ 7, just ordered new reagents as some are expired. After testing with old test strips and my tap water I think the reagents are suspect. I will also take a sample to the store tomorrow as I now suspect the CH is probably way to high. The CH reagents are 9/16 and 3/17 which...
  10. S

    Calcium Hardness Issue (low)

    Having an issue getting my CH back into range after a changing filters this spring. Before I replace the filters it was always too high around 700-800. After the filter change back in April-May it slowly drifted down into target until last month when it went to below. At the low point while...