Recent content by pooooool

  1. P

    Cotton like stuff in my pool

    Vinyl pool so not really worried about ch (its about 250) So if there is to much clarifier I need to slam? I was slaming but with the powdered cal hypo shock as I wasn't concerned about ch and I put about 25 gallons of liquid chlorine and got lazy.
  2. P

    Cotton like stuff in my pool

    Cal hypo hth all in one Says you will see the blue action clarifier! So is that what it is? So since I put around 50 pounds of this over the last couple of weeks the pool is super blue? Lol I bought a clarifier! Shoukd I not use it 8 assume? Any way I can clear this up?
  3. P

    Cotton like stuff in my pool

    Fc 10 Cc 1 Ph 7.4 Ta 90 Cya 40 I opened the pool a few weeks ago it was black!! For the last week there has not been much progress the deep you still can't see the bottom I opened the filter washed the grids but i am stuck!
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  5. P

    Cotton like stuff in my pool

    I only had some pine trees which I took down so I don't have any trees around now
  6. P

    Cotton like stuff in my pool

    Here is a little that was in my skimmer basket. Also I put a skimmer sock and a few hours later it had a coating of blue like substance? Could that be from all the shock I put in?
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  9. P

    just opened my pool and no matter how much shock i put in when i test the water the fc is at close to 0

    But regardless I gather whether it's ammonia or not I should just continue shocking and checking levels every 30 minutes? I didn't want to waste shock if there was something else wrong and it was vanishing for no reason
  10. P

    just opened my pool and no matter how much shock i put in when i test the water the fc is at close to 0

    Guilty as charged! I ordered a proper kit i am waiting to get it i figured if the strip and store say the same i could rely on it
  11. P

    just opened my pool and no matter how much shock i put in when i test the water the fc is at close to 0

    my pool is green! i had this last year i litrerly put 15 pounds at a shot 2 times a day and i would test 20 min later and there was no fc!!!help? what could it be? Last year i ended up putting in non chlorine shock in a few times and eventually i got it out of the lock, any ideas?
  12. P

    putting algae eating fish in a pool

    so I am opening my pool and it is full of algae i was wondering if i could put in algae eating fish for a week or so in the pool and then start the slam process?is this crazy?why?