Recent content by Njenabnit

  1. N

    Jandy iAqualink 2.0 Configuration (with VS Pump)

    Its funny how you are going this route and I literally just this weekend replace my Aqualink RS PDA-P4 with a raspberry pi and 8channel relay board to switch 24v signal to all of the equipment. Right now, I've got it hooked up to the 7inch touch screen so I can control it locally and then I have...
  2. N

    New VS pump without automation?

    My family moved into our new house about a month ago and I have been diligent with the TFP testing kit and keeping my numbers in check to great success! My pool has a grand total of 3 pumps that can run. The main pump (Pentair Superflo 2hp), the waterfall pump (Pentair Whisperflo 2hp), and a...