Recent content by Mkleisch

  1. Mkleisch

    Time to redo. Need suggestions please

    Thanks. That looks like what I used so I was on the right track. For now I can see if the leak is the joint or the barb&clamps.
  2. Mkleisch

    Time to redo. Need suggestions please

    My last work has lasted for about 5 years. Short of redoing the whole pool plumbing I want to redo my equipment pad with some upgrades. VS speed pump. New filter and a heat pump. As of today I have plastic barbed connections going into the original/existing plumbing. I found the drips at a...
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  5. Mkleisch

    Looking for advice. For next year...

    Unfortunately that was the pic from yesterday. I SLAMed the pool before i closed it last year. I was using surface water temp to close the pool. I am not really getting any solids out so the cover did a decent job. Thanks for the suggestions.
  6. Mkleisch

    Looking for advice. For next year...

    I forgot but I did the Poly as well. FC was 0 CYA was less than 30, Didn't let the water warm. Ph was less than 7. There was ice on the pool Jan-Feb when it was frigid here. I'll bet adding the bleach with a pump would be something that I can do easily. I'll make a note for that. What can...
  7. Mkleisch

    Looking for advice. For next year...

    This is my first opening of my pool after I closed it. It was crystal clear all summer after we fixed it from the previous home owner: Here is my original SLAM Thread I SLAMed it and waiting until the water temp was less than 60 mid of...
  8. Bad-Pool_4-29-2018.jpg


  9. Mkleisch

    What did you do to your pool today?

    Closed it up...
  10. Mkleisch

    The concept of closing an in ground swimming pool

    Is there a risk in keeping the returns under the water level? If the pool freezes, I’m in chicgao, will the ice damage the return fittings?
  11. Mkleisch

    Help deciding between Dolphon S300i and M500

    If there is a choice, my only input would be get the one with a swiveling cord. My non related robot gets twisted up a lot.
  12. Mkleisch

    Pool Antifreeze...What's The Point?

    Sounds good. I'm in Chicago so it freezes pretty hard here
  13. Mkleisch

    Pool Antifreeze...What's The Point?

    During startup next year, do I need to remove the Antifreeze or can I let some mix with the pool water?
  14. Mkleisch

    Serious help needed

    There are a few shades of greens and blues you'll see. I was in the same position not that long ago. Keep on it!!