Recent content by mkgraham2007

  1. M

    Pentair Quad DE crack troublea

    So I contacted Pentair about the filter crack 2 weeks ago. They promptly agreed it was warranty issue and dispatched a ticket to a local pool repair vendor in my area. Repair guy took pictures and left. I never heard back for 4 days and asked what next step was. They said they needed to...
  2. M

    Pentair Quad DE filter crack

    No it was not leaking, however we have had a ton of rain in Houston and it has been hard to see anything dry. Pentair will cover it under warranty! Grids were a mess and I am battling algae now.
  3. M

    Pentair Quad DE filter crack

    I was doing a filter clean on my 2014 Pentair Quad DE and I reassembled the filter and started it started it up. Went it started, water was rushing from the bottom of the filter. I took apart the filter again and I found a huge crack at the base of the pressurized shell? What the heck? Has...
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