Recent content by macgulley

  1. M

    So Now That My Beaded Liner Is Reinstalled...
  2. M

    A Swamp or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the green

    It looks like you have at least two skimmers. If you're using the skim-vac you need to at least partially close the inlet of the skimmer you're not using (mine have little circular "tabs" under the skimmer basket that can be rotated to close the inlet.)
  3. M

    A Swamp or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the green

    Your chlorine is a little high for your CYA level but not too much. ( ) It will certainly go down very quickly. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably let the chlorine drop to 5 or so and adjust your pH to 7.2. You started...
  4. M

    Swimmers losing body hair due to high pH!

    I love this quote from the school system information officer, “I stuck my hand in there,” he told HuffPost, “and when I pulled it out, all five fingers were still attached.” Sounds like a legitimate alternative to using all those expensive chemicals to test the water. :roll: :roll: :hammer...
  5. M

    Pump motor overheats in about 30 seconds

    My money is on you finding something that got through the strainer and is binding up the impeller.
  6. M

    pump not working

    Better to head to a motor shop with the motor rather than the pool store.
  7. M

    Just Motor on pump unit Replace?

    Find a local motor shop and they can probably rebuild yours for $100 or so.
  8. M

    pump spewing water

    Can't tell much from the pics but if it's leaking between the motor and the pump you probably have a shaft seal that has gone bad.
  9. M

    Pump not starting - even with new capacitors

    I agree with nedchavez, your centrifugal switch is probably hung up. Turn off the breaker, open the back and look at the centrifugal switch. Try to manually operate the switch and if you find it is binding put a little oil on the pivot points. It's worked for me on a couple of motors.
  10. M

    Hayward Pump won't spin

    I'd say if you can't turn the impeller by hand you probably have a bearing seized. You may be able to find a local electric motor shop that can rebuild it for much less than a new motor.
  11. M

    Under Construction - Absolute DISASTER. Advice appreciated!

    Re: Under Construction - Absolute DISASTER. Advice apprecia Tagged to watch.
  12. M

    Pool Slide Water Ports Scratch people

    If the holes in the ports are just jagged or sharp I'd sand them with some fairly fine sand paper (~220 grit) to smooth up the edges.
  13. M

    Plugging a hole where gauge used to be on a filter?

    You could find someone with a tap and die set and have them tap the hole for a screw. :twisted:
  14. M

    Options to Get Chemistry Back In Balance

    One cup of borax should give you about a 0.1 increase in pH. According to you should be looking more in the range of 120 oz. to go from 7.0 to 7.5. I strongly recommend ordering a good test kit so you can find out exactly where you stand. It's almost impossible to...