Recent content by LSxBrad

  1. L

    Iron staining, metal magic and Aa

    I have found limited success with slime bags, if you're running a sequestrant...but they will catch some rust after an AA treatment, if you don't have any Metal Magic in the water. It is my guess that the sequestrant keeps the iron in the water soluble form, and is then unable to be filtered...
  2. L

    Iron staining, metal magic and Aa

    I've never had any luck lifting significant iron stains with Metal Magic or Jack's Pink Stuff. Personally, I'd just bite the bullet and do the AA treatment, as it is very fast, and very effective. Just use some polyquat algaecide to prevent an outbreak, while you're running 0 FC. Stay away...
  3. L

    Iron staining that won't end

    Just wanted to report back on my success so far this year. The winter cover ended up with a hole in it, and leaked dirty water into the pool over the course of the winter. I decided to completely drain the pool. I also scrubbed every square inch of fiberglass with a bleach mix, and used...
  4. L

    Iron staining that won't end

    I filled the pool in 3 stages. The first stage, I noticed some rust being caught in the hose end filter, as I mentioned earlier, which I just assumed was iron slipping through my well system. I regenerated both my iron filter and my water softener that night, and started filling again the next...
  5. L

    Iron staining that won't end

    Was able to wet sand about 90% of the surface, but didn't go as fine as 1000 grit. Patience was wearing thin. I can't believe how much more smooth it is now though. Previously, it has the texture of skin. I'm not sure if it is the chlorine or the UV rays damaging the surface. It is about...
  6. L

    Iron staining that won't end

    SW- Pool is fiberglass, but the finish isn't very smooth, even when there is no staining. If it were a boat, i would wet sand and polish it. I actually did a second CH test, and had the same results. I also keep getting white stuff coming off of the walls, when I brush it. No idea what it...
  7. L

    Iron staining that won't end

    pabeader-Unfortunately, I can't see your says "invalid". Thanks for your input. Sounds like you and SW have had the same luck with sequestrants. My staining is starting to return again, now that the chlorine is back up to a "normal" range for my CYA. Seems to happen every...
  8. L

    Iron staining that won't end

    Thanks again for your input. The good news is, I have been stain free for over a week now. I initially dosed the water with 32oz of Jack's Magic Pink, and just added 16 oz more this weekend, as I brought my chlorine levels back up to normal. I've been hesitant to raise it, since that usually...
  9. L

    Iron staining that won't end

    SW- Thank you for your in depth reply. I have read some of your previous posts about iron issues. I'm at the office right now, so I only had a chance to glance over what you wrote. I will read it more in depth this evening. I'm coming off another AA treatment, and it looks like the staining...
  10. L

    Iron staining that won't end

    Have a pool/house that is new to me this year. I am on well water that has 4.0ppm iron, but the water goes through a backwashing whole house iron reduction system, that takes it down to about .5ppm. My softener takes care of the rest for in house use, but the pool gets filled with the .5ppm...