Recent content by jws13

  1. J

    question on shocking process and measuring FC

    I am in the process of shocking my pool, got a little cloudy due to lapse of mind, and I was wondering about how long to keep the FC at the shock level. I have followed the shock in pasted below, but my water is not quite crystal clear and I was wondering if I had to maintain the shock fc level...
  2. J

    question on how to get from shock level to daily level

    We are in Houston, so not so cool, maybe 60's at night and 70-80's during days.. Had to shock due to being out of town and had turned on teh tablet chlorinator, but I guess not enough.. Got the CYA down by some additional draining and yes the water is very clear. Thanks for asking
  3. J

    question on how to get from shock level to daily level

    I had a little algae and cloudy water so I shocked it using the tables I found here and now everything looks good and my FC is holding steady overnight and I have 0 CC. My question is do I just let my FC level drift down from the shock level (FC=20) to the daily CC level (FC=6)?
  4. J

    Nature 2 device and water chemistry

    I have just started using the BBB method for keeping more pool water in good shape and was wondering if I should/could reduce my chlorine levels based to take into account the effects of the nature 2 device? Prior to using the BBB method I used the chlorine pucks and per the nature 2...
  5. J

    newbie question on cya and fc

    using the bbb method and my cya level is at 60 and my fc level is at 6/7 and my questions are as follows - does this high fc level damage my pool or the equipment? - if I lower my cya level to 30/40 and my fc to 4/5 will the fc burn off faster and require mme to add more bleach thatn I do at...
  6. J

    newbie----how do I know when alagae is gone and I can let FC

    I posted on this site last week and thanks for all the help I received in getting my shocking process correct. I think I am almost there as the pool is clearing up, still a little cloudy, but can pretty cleary see bottom drain at 8'. My info and questions are as follows - my FC is at 12 - my...
  7. J

    newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistry

    Re: newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistr OK, switched to bleach last night, water is getting much clearer. Is the little bit of green I am seeing on my filter dead algae? should I soak my filter as per the commets in teh filter section or will the high levels of FC and my...
  8. J

    newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistry

    Re: newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistr ok so my cya is down to 50-60 and my FC started at 14 and is down to 10-11 (maintaining) and the cc started at 1 and is down to .25 or 0. so based on the charts it looks like I am headed in the right dircetion and oh yeah the pool...
  9. J

    newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistry

    Re: newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistr received my testing kit today and have started the shocking process after repalacing approx 50% of the water to reduce the CYA. My question is on the cya test. when you are looking down at the tube and the black dot at the bottom...
  10. J

    newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistry

    Re: newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistr Guess I'll wait until the test kit gets here so I can determine how much water I need to drain. Appreciate everyones assistance and I hope I am not over doing it with the questions, because I have a few more - have you all found it...
  11. J

    newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistry

    Re: newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistr so while I am waiting for my new test kit to arrive should I go ahead and remove and replace some of the water? if yes, any is there anyway to determine how much I should remove? Can I use my pool pums to remove teh water, there are...
  12. J

    newbie...questions on algae, filters, and water chemistry

    stumbled on this site as I was trying to get rid of some green algae. Think I finally got rid of it by listening to what was said here. the pool is 14 months old. so here are my questions - how do I know that the algae is gone? - the bands on the cartridge filter are loose, do I need to...