Recent content by jwp0077

  1. J

    Bright Red on ph test

    Looks like the indicator was correct. I added 64 oz. of acid - the ph dropped down to 7.3. all looks good now.
  2. J

    Bright Red on ph test

    I am performing the color indicator test (5 drops) - just that the color goes off the scale with 5 drops into the color comparator tube. alkaylinity and chlorine test normal.
  3. J

    Bright Red on ph test

    had a lot of rain here lately, 10 inches this week. Having problems getting a good ph reading. When I add 2 drops regent the tube turns bright red. So I used a 10 ml tube, turns red at 4 drops. Chlorine is at 6 CYA 50 Aly. 110 can the ph really be that high? or it really low and not reading...