Recent content by johnfm43

  1. J

    Sand Filter top blew off

    Ok. How should I proseed. I know that I need a new filter as you can see from my images it split the seam at the lid. I have a temp fix with the pump running at a speed of 2200 rpm. I need to get this fixed in the next 5 days, as I leave for a job for the next 45 days out of the states. If...
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  5. J

    Sand Filter top blew off

    I get that about not achieving the max speed. But any idea as to why the top blew. Could the valve have failed and not allowed the water to return thus blowing the top?
  6. J

    Sand Filter top blew off

    Ok the top of my sand filter just blew off. I am not sure what to do. Here is the situation. The pool is an inground 25000gal built about 1976. I purchased the house about 10 years ago. I nursed along the equipment until it finally gave out. In 2007 I replaced the the sand filter and the...