Recent content by grguy

  1. G

    Help from the experts please? Black algae vs replaster?

    Thank you all for your input. I tried the fingernail scratch test and rubbed it on paper and got a "barely green smudge". I took some additional pics here. I guess the question still is: Does this symptom require replastering the entire pool or will a super SLAM or acid wash clear it up? I get...
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  5. G

    Help from the experts please? Black algae vs replaster?

    Thanks Donldson We had done the brushing thing to the walls with a nylon brush and a wire brush. Around July to mid September I had SLAMMED it and was stable for that while. Was never able to clear the black from the walls. Then things started breaking again...
  6. G

    Help from the experts please? Black algae vs replaster?

    First let me preface this by saying that I suck at pool work... I've been trying and last year I did well keeping up with levels. This year is a different story. The electrical conduit that runs out to the pool rotted away - The upper part of the cartridge filter cracked open - Then the lower...
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  9. G

    Black Algae kicking my butt. Now I need help please...

    jb, Yes I'm calling the black areas the algae. I hadn't thought about metal staining but I guess its a possibility... AJ - I did the slam for 7-8 days with liquid chlorine and cleaned filters 3 times during that period. I've been using the Taylor Test kits. Thank you all!
  10. G

    Black Algae kicking my butt. Now I need help please...

    Thanks JB The spots do feel slimy and greenish. They are tiny spots though, not really measurable.
  11. G

    Black Algae kicking my butt. Now I need help please...

    This spring I had a invasion of black algae. I assume its black algae. I have been a member here for a while now and your information has been invaluable. A wonderful resource. Previously I've been able to research from prior posts. I've tried a lot of the methods; SLAMming, brushing, chemicals...
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