Recent content by enchanted1137

  1. E

    Concrete pool with "knots" along the bottom edge

    I have yet to get in and actually touch them but when brushing they seem solid. It's hard to tell if there are cracks in them or the cracks are the paint cracking. I have noticed a small amount of water loss but but I have cleaned my filter a few times and yesterday there were quite a few...
  2. E

    Concrete pool with "knots" along the bottom edge

    I will check out that link thanks! My CH was really low (30) for the first 2 weeks of Slamming. I have gotten it up to 240. Here are today's numbers: FC 7 CC .5 pH 7.4 TA 160 CH 240 CYA 30 Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  3. E

    Concrete pool with "knots" along the bottom edge

    I was wondering if anyone had any idea what these knots are. I'm not sure how else to describe them. I bought a house in January and it came with a swampy concrete pool. With the help of TFP, I now have a sparkling clear pool. Now that I can see the bottom clearly, I noticed these knots...
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  9. E

    New Pool Owner

    I just would like to say that I have learned a lot from this site. I bought a house in January and with it came a 33k IG swamp. I have never had a pool, but I have turned the swamp into an almost clear pool thanks to all of you here. I still have yet to pass an over night test. My pump died...