Recent content by Edman9767

  1. E


    We have had this issue also this year, and usually it’s just a few, although there was one day where there were hundreds and it seemed like they were juveniles. We have kept our pool chemistry at great levels, and have seen no water boatmen. It may be coincidental, but we had a company come and...
  2. E

    New pool owner, New to TFP

    Thanks for that. I will definitely do that tonight.
  3. E

    New pool owner, New to TFP

    Thanks so much for your reply. I’ve been taking test kits to my local pool store almost once a week, and everything has checked out even phosphate levels. We had a big party on Sunday, and I used the super chlorinate feature for the first time and I’m wondering if it did not work properly. I...
  4. E

    New pool owner, New to TFP

    Hi everyone, we live in Louisiana and just purchased a house with a beautiful saltwater pool. We have a decent amount of vegetation in the back yard and I found TFP as I’m trying to solve our backswimmer problem. Pool looks great but since June we find a few backswimmers every day, and this...