Recent content by DrewSmith007

  1. D

    Should i bother treating algae months before opening?

    Ok, time for an update and hopefully some help. I got my sand filter installed and refilled the pool a week ago. I had the pool store test the water when it was about 1/2 full, and CYA was 0, so I added the rest of what I had which was a little short of what Pool Pal said to add in order to...
  2. D

    Should i bother treating algae months before opening?

    Well if the hth is that much better, and only $20 or $30 more, it's not worth the risk. This forum is great, thanks so much everyone.
  3. D

    Should i bother treating algae months before opening?

    I havn't even taken it out of my truck yet. I might take it back and get a longer vac pole. The research I saw seemed to have the problems when they didn't pour dry sand into water, but just straight into their dry empty filter. I'm not in any rush, my test kit won't be here for several days anyway.
  4. D

    Should i bother treating algae months before opening?

    I bought 150 lbs of quikrete pool filter sand. The pump said 120 lbs, but I'll be able to use any extra for metalcasting.
  5. D

    Should i bother treating algae months before opening?

    I was planning on waiting until I get the new pump and filter. The pump/filter should be here tomorrow, the auto vacuum today, and I picked up a vacuum brush head too. What else should I add to the filtering system?
  6. D

    Should i bother treating algae months before opening?

    Patrick B suggested a drain and refill to make the process go faster. I'll probably only drain it to 25% or so. I think I would rather the process go faster, and I think it's less than $50 to refill.
  7. D

    Should i bother treating algae months before opening?

    Thanks for the replies. The pool is draining now. My sand filter and pump will be here tomorrow. Is there any sense in running the pump without sand until the algae is all dead? Or just start filtering it out and backwashing, dead or alive?
  8. D

    Should i bother treating algae months before opening?

    New pool owner here. I have an extremely green pool at the moment, and was wondering if I should bother treating it now, or should I just wait until opening and just start earlier. Is there any long term damage that I should be worried about? I checked the pH and it was about 7.2.