Recent content by cadillacmike

  1. cadillacmike

    CYA Disappears in Summer

    No way I'm getting that deep with my knes and back. I get as deep as I can though. The retuens are at the halfway point but I'll start taking them away from the jets instead of in front of them.
  2. cadillacmike

    Shocked how much CYA was added in 2 weeks. newbies take note

    If you use cal-hypo shock, you won't add any CYA to the water.
  3. cadillacmike

    CYA Disappears in Summer

    I didn't know that CYA levels would drop if it was hot and sunny enough. That's interesting news. I need to get more CYA test reagents. BTW, there are three pool supply places near me, and NONE of their readings ever matched. I would pull water for all three at the same time from the same place...
  4. cadillacmike

    Any such thing as a liquid chlorine auto dispenser?

    Thanks mknauss. I didn't see that small link but now I do! It's bookmarked. Those commercial cal-hypo chlorinators are expensive! I really don't want to go to a SWG, but I want to get away from being dependent on trichlor for automaticaly maintaining chlorine levels. Those stenner pumps can...
  5. cadillacmike

    Any such thing as a liquid chlorine auto dispenser?

    Carlos, Herman, Dirk, Thanks. That link to /calc.html is nice but why isn't is accessible from any main tfp page? The pool math page only has links to various phone apps which I neither need nor want. In any event, it was what I suspected 11oz of 12% ups the PPM by one, so if i need to...
  6. cadillacmike

    Any such thing as a liquid chlorine auto dispenser?

    I'm getting tired of the 3" trichlor tabs; they keep running up the CYA count. But once or twice a week with liquid is not an ideal way to maintain a consistent level of free chlorine. I really don't like handling the concentrated liquid chlorine either. Is there a liquid chlorinator of some...
  7. cadillacmike

    Refreshing a weathered Kool Deck

    That would take care of the algae, but not the worn spots and stains, primarily under the roof overhang. I'll try to post a few photos to illustrate what I mean. As far as chipping, separating or spalling - there is none.
  8. cadillacmike

    Refreshing a weathered Kool Deck

    Thanks Chris, but Pavers is not an option for us. Most of the weathering / wear is the area under the roof, The rest of it is mostly undamaged, but collects too much water which then makes algae.
  9. cadillacmike

    Refreshing a weathered Kool Deck

    Thanks Patrick. I like the late 60s myself, They had thinks like automatic climate control, disc brakes, dual master cylinder brakes, which makes driving safer, and that big 472CI engine introduced in 1968. he avatar is my 1968 DVC. I'll wait for the experts.
  10. cadillacmike

    Refreshing a weathered Kool Deck

    Hi, We have a Kool Deck surfaced deck and patio. Its the light sand color. It was done new with the pool 18 years ago. We are the only owners. We've never had a problem with the deck getting too hot, even here in central FL. It hasn't chipped up or flaked off either. There are a few hairline...