White, powdery substance coming from DE filter [W/ PICS]?

Sep 22, 2011

Hi everyone,

I've had a vinyl pool (30k gallons) for about two years now. This year I noticed some white, powdery substance in the bottom of the pool, and on the steps. It's like a really light colored brown or whiteish. It's very fine, so if you go anywhere near it, it gets stirred up and appears as if it's gone, but then resettles.

I have a Polaris 360 on an auxiliary pump that keeps it pretty clean anyway. Recently, I repaired the Polaris but the problem is now the Polaris is only too good at climbing and has been getting stuck by getting the air hose wrapped around the outlet for the hose or itself.

In any event, I'll often find the Polaris wrapped up around something after a few days. Since the Polaris is not running, I've noticed a buildup of this stuff that probably would have just gotten picked up by the Polaris in the past.

I suspect it's coming from the filter since the screen filter for the Polaris has gotten clogged twice with this stuff so far this season.

Anyone know what this could be? DE from the filter? Calcium? A byproduct of the chlorine (I use liquid chlorine from the pool store, but use pucks on occasion)? I tried to get some pictures, but couldn't get anything that accurately shows what it looks like.
Re: White, powdery substance coming from DE filter?

It could be DE, algae, pollen, or fine dust. Post some current numbers. If it is DE you will need to open up the filter a take a look. It's good to do a good cleaning once a season anyway. Could just be really caked on the grids and when you recharge it now has too much DE. You could also have a small hole in your grid.
Re: White, powdery substance coming from DE filter?


Thanks for the response. Should have mentioned that I took apart and cleaned my filter in the spring before I opened. I didn't see any holes at that time. I may have overcharged with DE when I added it back in after putting everything back together. I was supposed to add 4.5 lbs of DE and I had a 13 oz. coffee can, so I added approximately 5.5 cans full. I also backwashed once already (because I had so much extra water due to all the rain :rant: ) and added the same amount after backwashing.

Regarding my numbers, last time I checked I had:

FC - 1.0 (added about a gallon of 12.5% chlorine right after I checked)
CC - 0
Ph - 7.6
TA - 80
CYA - 50

I don't test Calcium Hardness because it's a vinyl pool, but I can if you think that would help.

Re: White, powdery substance coming from DE filter?

I'll check my calcium level tonight, but wouldn't scaling essentially "stick" to the liner? This stuff just lays on the bottom and is easily stirred up.

Re: White, powdery substance coming from DE filter?

Well from your number it looks like your fc may have dropped down too low. Could be start of algae. Just has not bloomed. If it's enough De to see in a pile and you try to touch it , it should have a very fine grit to it. My guess now would be your right on the line with algae.
Re: White, powdery substance coming from DE filter?

Alright, I tested the calcium hardness last night and it was 60. I don't know much about CH, but that doesn't sound too high, so I don't think that's the problem.

Also, last night with the light on, it looked like I had more of this stuff than usual. My wife confirmed that the Polaris was all twisted up earlier in the day, so that's probably why I had more of the white stuff, since the polaris usually vacuums it up.

I have some pictures that I've attached. The second is the stuff on the bottom of the pool. Sorry it's not that clear, but it's the best I could do.

The first picture is what comes out of my Polaris when I clean it out.

Both pictures appear much browner than they actually are. The stuff is actually very white in real life. Sort of like an off-white color.

I don't think it's algae because it's basically laying on the bottom of pool and the flat surfaces only, and it isn't sticking to anything... just laying there.

Could this be sunscreen???


PS - Sorry that the picture on the paper plate looks so gross. :|

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Almost time to open the pool (maybe a few more weeks)... anyone have any ideas about what this stuff is? I'm thinking it's DE from a small hole in one or more of filter screens. I'm going to take the filter apart and clean it out. When I do, I'll inspect the screens and see if I can find a hole. I may just replace the screens for the **** of it since they are pretty old at this point.

Other than possibly being DE, does anyone know what the stuff is? It drove me crazy last year. Thanks,


Thanks for responding... I don't think it's pollen because it happens all year long. I can't really say if it's squishy or not because I can't remember how it felt. The second picture is after it's taken out of my Polaris' bag, so it had been vacuumed up and sat in the bag for a while. I had to buy a fine debris bag because it passes right through the regular bag. Also, in the second picture, it's mixed with dirt and other debris. It's really fine when it's on the pool floor. If you walk on it, it stirs up and disappears before your foot even hits the bottom.
Yeah, I think that's what I'll do. I may replace them just to see if that makes any difference. I've also read the gasket on the multiport valve should be replaced so I'll try that. Mine leaks a little bit, so I suspect the gasket is bad anyway.

You know, when cleaning my filter today I found some stuff that looked almost the same as that ... I think it was mostly small leaves/flowers/stuff that had been broken down for a long time and was white and fiber-y and mixed with the DE had that appearance of clumps.

I took my multi-valve apart and my wagon wheel gasket was shot. I got it out, but the Pool Store was closed, so I'll have to pick one up tomorrow. I also noticed some of the white stuff inside the assembly. Maybe that was my problem? I'll see if the new gasket helps.


I took my multi-valve apart and my wagon wheel gasket was shot. I got it out, but the Pool Store was closed, so I'll have to pick one up tomorrow. I also noticed some of the white stuff inside the assembly. Maybe that was my problem? I'll see if the new gasket helps.

It's called a spider gasket. If you search around here, you'll find old threads with tips on how-to. There's also some youtube videos.

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